
CarbonEx is a carbon emission data management application which allows users to upload and explore carbon emissions data of various suppliers. It has been built as a take-home assignment for Carboledger.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Carbon Emission Data Management Application (CarbonEx)

This repository contains the web client for the carbon emission data management application, where a user can upload the relevant spreadsheet file containing the supplier details, carbon emission data, etc. Here's the link to the problem statement file. It has been built as a take-home assignment for Carboledger™.


Context & Requirements


The task is to build a user interface for a carbon emissions data management application using React.js. The UI should allow users to upload an Excel file containing a company's raw purchase data, extract relevant fields, and display the data.

Detailed Requirements

  • Excel File Upload: The application should allow users to upload an Excel file. There should be a form that allows users to upload an Excel file containing data for multiple purchases made by a company.
  • Data Display: After a file is uploaded, The application should: (a) Show the progress: Display a progress indicator while the file is being processed & (b) Display the data: Once the processing is complete, display the data extracted from the Excel file in a table format. The table should show columns for company name, type of purchase, quantity, date of purchase, and emission factor.
  • Data Pagination: To improve user experience and performance, the application should implement pagination & show a maximum of 10 emission records at a time and allow the user to navigate to other pages to see more records.
  • Error Handling: The application should handle errors gracefully: If there's an error in the file processing or data retrieval, display an appropriate error message to the user.

Technical Requirements

  • The frontend should be built using React.js.
  • You may use a state management library if necessary.
  • The application should follow responsive design principles and work on various screen sizes.

Repository Info

Setup Instructions

git clone https://github.com/asxyzp/carboledger-takehome.git carbonex           # Cloning the repository
cd ./carbonex
npm install                                                                     # Installing the dependencies
npm run start                                                                   # Starting the development server (open it in localhost:3000)

File Structure

    /process-log.md     # Development logs
/public                 # Static assets (index.html, manifest.json)
    /Assets             # Static assets (images)
    /Component          # Individual Components
    /Context            # Context/State Management
    /Layout             # Application Layout Components
    /Page               # Page Components
    /Style              # Application Theming
    /index.js           # Entry-point Component
    /Routes.js          # Route Handler
    /index.css          # Global Styles
...                     # Other Config Files like `package.json`, etc

Technology Stack

Frameworks, libraries and technologies used to build the application:

Framework: React.js
State Management: Recoil.js - https://recoiljs.org/
Components & Theming: Material UI (MUI) - https://mui.com/
Client-Side Routing: React Router DOM - https://reactrouter.com/en/main
Toast Component: Sonner - https://github.com/emilkowalski/sonner
IndexedDB wrapper: Localbase - https://github.com/dannyconnell/localbase

Test Files

There's a folder called ./test_files, which contains three test files, showing three different conditions:

purchase_data.xlsx       # Correct File
purchase_data_err1.xlsx  # Empty File
purchase_data_err2.xlsx  # File with missing columns
purchase_data_err3.xlsx  # File with incorrect ordered or named columns
purchase_data_err4.xlsx  # File with incorrect ordered or named columns

New Updates

  • Ability to upload and view multiple spreadsheets.
  • Ability to access each spreadsheet with a unique endpoint in the form /sheets/{id} where a unique id is assigned to each and every spreadsheet that is uploaded.
  • Ability to persist spreadsheets locally through multiple sessions by using an IndexedDB based storage.
  • Ability to edit individual cell data for each spreadsheet.
  • Viewing upload status through a toast component.
  • Carbon emission column data defaults to 0, in case it's value is null.
  • Updated error handling:
    • Checking for name or order of columns.

Error Handling

As mentioned above, this application handles two cases for handling errors:

  1. Checking for empty file.
  2. Checking for missing columns.
  3. Checking for name or order of columns [NEW].