
Framework agnostic, lightweight, and type-safe CSS variable theming.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Colorway is a tiny library for utilizing CSS variables as your primary theming mechanism in your app or website. colorway is framework agnostic and can be integrated with any styling solution of your choice.

Quick Features

  • 💪 Framework/library agnostic. Use any solution that can generate a class or className
  • ♻ First class React support
  • 🦺 Fully type-safe
  • 💻 SSR support
  • 📲 localStorage theme persistence
  • 🚫 Default theme fallback if JS is disabled


  • Demo Website - Coming Soon
  • TypeScript React - Source
  • TypeScript NextJS - Coming Soon
  • TypeScript Gatsby - Coming Soon
  • Vanilla JavaScript - Coming Soon


First, install the library.

yarn add colorway

Then, define your themes.

// src/theme.ts
import {
} from 'colorway'

// First, let's define a default theme. This theme will act as the
// basis for any additional themes.
const lightTheme = {
  colors: {
    text: 'black',
    bg: 'white',
type Theme = typeof lightTheme

// Typing as `AdditionalTheme` provides autocomplete and type-safety from
// our default theme.
const darkTheme: AdditionalTheme<Theme> = {
  colors: {
    text: 'white',
    bg: 'black',

// We can support as many themes as we like in an object like this:
export const themes = {

export const DEFAULT_THEME_NAME: keyof typeof themes = 'lightTheme'
export const LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY = 'myThemeKey'

// `changeTheme` is a type-safe function for changing between themes.
export const changeTheme = createChangeThemeFn({
  localStorageKey: LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY,

// `theme` is the object we'll actually use to style our app or site.
export const theme = convertThemeToCssVars(lightTheme)

Next, let's setup our <head> components to inject our CSS variables into our app. This step may vary based on your current framework, bundler, and if you need SSR. See examples for some ways to integrate colorway.

import React from 'react'
import { CssVars } from 'colorway'
import { themes, DEFAULT_THEME_NAME, LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY } from '../themes'

const App: React.FC = ({ children }) => {
  return (

With our CSS variables now available, we can style our components! colorway is agnostic of your preferred styling method!

// src/components/Button.tsx
import React from 'react'
import { css, styled } from 'your-library-of-choice'
import { theme, changeTheme } from '../theme'

// Use it with any `styled` function. Works with runtime libs
// like `@emotion` and statically extracted libs like `linaria`.
export conost StyledButton = styled.button`
  color: ${theme.colors.text};
  background: ${theme.colors.bg};

// Or use it with anything that generates a `className`!
// The `css` prop is supported too.
export const ButtonCss = () => {
  return (
      // `changeTheme` is type-safe too!
      onClick={() => changeTheme('darkTheme')}
        color: ${theme.colors.text};
        background: ${theme.colors.bg};
      Swap to dark theme!


<CssVars />

A React component for injecting our theme design tokens as CSS variables. This component should only be rendered in the <head> element through a manager such as react-helmet-async, NextJS's <Head /> component, or Gatsby's setPreBodyComponents() hook.

This is the primary way SSR'd apps can integrate colorway.

⚠ If this component is not rendered in <head>, you will have style flickering when your app rehydrates!


import React from 'react'
import { CssVars } from 'colorway'
import { themes, DEFAULT_THEME_NAME, LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY } from '../themes'

const App: React.FC = ({ children }) => {
  return (


Prop Type Description
themes object An object containing the theme objects to switch between.
defaultThemeName string A valid key of themes to be the defaultTheme.
localStorageKey string A string to use as the your key in localStorage to persist theme choice.


A function that will create a <script> element that will be injected into the <head> element. The injected <script> will inject our theme design tokens as CSS variables.

This is the primary way that a client-side rendered application can integrate colorway.


import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { injectCssVars } from 'colorway'

import { App } from './components/App'
import { themes, DEFAULT_THEME_NAME, LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY } from './theme'

// Inject the <script> before your app is rendered to avoid style flickering.
  defaultTheme: DEFAULT_THEME_NAME,
  localStorageKey: LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY,

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'))


Arg Type Description
themes object An object containing the theme objects to switch between.
defaultTheme string A valid key of themes to be the defaultTheme.
localStorageKey string A string to use as the your key in localStorage to persist theme choice.


A function that will convert an existing theme object to properly access CSS var() values. This function will not alter the existing theme object that is provided.


const theme = {
  colors: {
    primary: 'red',

const cssVarTheme = convertThemeToCssVars(theme)
cssVarTheme.colors.primary === 'var(--colors-primary-red)' // => true


A higher-order function for creating a type-safe function to change between your themes.


const themes = {
const LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY = 'myThemeKey'

const changeTheme = createChangeThemeFn({
  localStorageKey: LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY,

// src/components/ChangeThemeButton.tsx
const ChangeThemeButton = () => {
  return (
    <button onClick={() => changeTheme('darkTheme')}>
      Change to dark theme!


Arg Type Description
themes object An object containing the theme objects to switch between.
localStorageKey string A string to use as the your key in localStorage to persist theme choice.


A naive function that retrieves the current theme name. This function does this by reading the entire active class on the <html> element of the page. If your <html> element has other classes on it, this function will return an incorrect result.


import { DEFAULT_THEME_NAME } from '../theme'

const currentThemeName = getCurrentThemeName()
// or provide a fallback for SSR.
const currentThemeNameWithFallback = getCurrentThemeName(DEFAULT_THEME_NAME)


Arg Type Description
defaultThemeName string? An optional fallback themeName for use during SSR. This is not needed in most cases.