
Automated deployment of OpenStack in Red Hat's Labs

Primary LanguageJinjaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


JetPack is the easiest way to deploy Director/Tripleo on baremetal. JetPack will install OpenStack using infrared on a set of homogeneous servers. User can run JetPack from their laptop or an ansible jump host. Once the user's baremetal node allocation is ready to use, they need to set below bare minimum variables.

cloud_name: cloud05
lab_type: scale
osp_release: 13
foreman_url: specify the foreman url based on the lab
ansible_ssh_pass: default password of servers

For OSP releases > 13, the below variables also need to be set in all.yml

registry_mirror: <register_mirror>
registry_namespace: <namespace>
insecure_registries: <insecure_registry>

#Supported distros

Currently supported distros for ansible jump host are:

  • RHEL 7.7

Unsupported machine types

Jetpack doesn't support same machine type that have different set of interfaces. As some fc640 systems (the ones that have Mellanox cards) will have the device names eth2 and eth3 for the Intel interfaces, and the ens2f0 and ens2f1 names become associated with the Mellanox interfaces.

  • fc640 Note: User can add support for fc640 in case your allocation has machines with same interface naming


  • Ansible >= 2.8
  • Python 3.6+
  • RHEL 7.7 for ansible jump host

  • A host for running hammer cli/ipmitool/badfish operations referenced by the variable hammer_host
  • SELinux mode as Permissive on the ansible control node (host where the playbooks are being run from)
  • Passwordless sudo for user running the playbook on the ansible control node

Passwordless sudo can be setup as below:

echo "username ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ALL" | tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/username
chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/username

Below is the sequence of steps these playbooks run before deploying overcloud

  1. Clone and setup infrared environment
  2. Download instackenv file from the lab url (playbooks assume that undercloud is the first node in this instackenv file)
  3. Prepare internal variables from this file i.e undercloud_host: first node in instackenv ctlplane_interface: will get the interface name from the mac provided in instackenv
  4. Tasks prepare eligible physical interfaces on the hosts to be used for nic-configs
  5. We use nic-configs based on number of interfaces present in nodes. We use 'virt' if we have 3 eligible free interfaces ( prepared from stemp 4) or 'virt_4nics' if more than 3 interfaces. Interface names in these default template files are replaced with physical nic names which we got from step 4 above.
  6. Prepare overcloud_instackenv.json which will be used for describing overcloud baremetal nodes from instackenv file downloaded from the scalelab. Tasks will remove undercloud node from the downloaded instackenv file and generate new overcloud_instackenv.json file.
  7. Run infrared plugins a) tripleo-undercloud to install the undercloud b) tripleo-overcloud plugin to install overcloud




  1. Set required vars in group_vars/all.yml
  2. run the playbook
    ansible-playbook main.yml
    Note: user shouldn't provide any inventory file as playbooks will internally prepare the inventory.

Advanced usage

User can use tags for running specific playbooks. For example,

  1. to skip undercloud setup run
    ansible-playbook main.yml --skip-tags "setup_undercloud,undercloud"
  2. to run only overcloud
    ansible-playbook main.yml --tags "overcloud"

Deploying with custom environment files

To deploy the overcloud with custom environment files, the user needs to add a section similar to below in the group_vars/all.yml

  - example.yml
  - /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services/sahara.yaml
  NeutronServicePlugins: qos,ovn-router,trunk,segments
  NeutronTypeDrivers: geneve,flat
  - OS::TripleO::NodeUserData=/home/stack/firstboot-nvme.yaml
  - OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronL3Agent: OS::Heat::None

extra_templates is a list of extra template files that you want to deploy the overcloud with. Jetpack searches the undercloud for these files when absolute path on undercloud is provided, and if the environment file does not exist on the undercloud then jetpack/files/ is searched on the ansible controller machine for the custom environment file user wants to deploy with and if it exists, copies it over to the undercloud from where it is used for deployment. extra_templates:

  • /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services/neutron-ovn-ha.yaml
  • /home/stack/firstboot.yaml In the above case, jetpack copies firstboot from jetpack/files/firstboot.yaml to undercloud's /home/stack folder, if it doesn't exit in the undercloud at /home/stack/firstboot.yaml.

parameter_defaults is a dictionary of key value pairs for customizing the deployment like NeutronOVSFirewallDriver: openvswitch. Specify them in group_vars/all.yml like below parameter_defaults: NeutronServicePlugins: qos,ovn-router,trunk,segments NeutronTypeDrivers: geneve,flat

resource_registry is a list of resource type and its template that you want to deploy the overcloud with. Template can be a file path or OS::Heat::None. Jetpack searches the undercloud for the template files when absolute path on undercloud is provided, and if the environment file does not exist on the undercloud then jetpack/files/ is searched on the ansible controller machine for the custom template file user wants to deploy with and if it exists, copies it over to the undercloud from where it is used for deployment. resource_registry:

  • OS::TripleO::NodeUserData=/home/stack/firstboot-nvme.yaml
  • OS::TripleO::Services::NeutronL3Agent: OS::Heat::None In the above case, jetpack copies firstboot-nvme.yaml from jetpack/files/firstboot-nvme.yaml to undercloud's /home/stack folder, if it doesn't exit in the undercloud at /home/stack/firstboot-nvme.yaml.

passthrough_nvme need to be configured to pass overcloud compute node's non-volatile memory express device directly to overcloud VM. Read [1] for details. flavor is used to create openstack flavor after the deployment in Jetpack's post module. We can get the nvme device details with the get_nvme_details.sh script

Set the parameters in group_vars like below passthrough_nvme: vendor_id: '144d' product_id: 'a804' address: '01:00.0' flavor: name: 'nvme' ram: 16384 disk: 40 vcpus: 4

[1] https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/openshift_container_platform/3.11/html-single/scaling_and_performance_guide/index#providing-storage-to-an-etcd-node-using-pci-passthrough-with-openstack

Deploying with external public network

We can request scale lab team for external public network and use this for accessing overcloud VMs from outside LAB environment.

  1. To use this public network, set public_external_interface: true in group_vars/all.yml
  2. Scale Lab team will enable public network on 4th interface of the nodes. For example, for 1029p nodes, this will be 'ens2f3' for osp version 14 and above, otherwise 'enp94s0f3'. Set this to external_interface variable i.e external_interface: ens2f3
  3. CIDR details provided by the scale lab team should be defined like below external_gateway: external_net_cidr: external_allocation_pools_start: external_allocation_pools_end: external_interface_default_route: Note: external_network_vlan_id shouldn't be defined as scale lab team configures this network with a vlan on external switch. We need to use this interface as access port and shouldn't define any VLANs on it. Also while creating overcloud external network after overcloud deployment, specify --provider:network_type as flat i.e neutron net-create --router:external=True --provider:network_type flat --provider:physical_network datacentre public

Containerize Jetpack

To run jetpack inside a container you need to update the group_vars/all.yml in your localhost as it will be consumed by the jetpack_container.sh script and podman should be installed.

Execute jetpack_container.sh script to build and run jetpack container. ./jetpack_container.sh

scale up compute nodes

To scale up the compute nodes of OSP deployments deployed by Jetpack, you have to follow the below steps.

  1. Add the new nodes in new instack file
  2. Provide the new instack file location on new_nodes_instack variable on group_vars file
  3. Run the upscale.yml play to complete the scaleup ansible-playbook upscale.yml Note: The udercloud will be fetched from the old instackenv file. if the file is not available, it will be downloaded from the server using the cloud_name and lab_name properties.

Usage of Composable roles (Non-uniform set of nodes)


  1. Undercloud and Controller nodes should be of same machine type Example: controller_count = 3, then it will consider the first node in instackenv.json as undercloud and the next three nodes as controllers
  2. set composable_roles: true in group_vars/all.yml

Deployment with Ceph

On homogeneous set of machine type to deploy OSP with Ceph, set the following variables in group_vars/all.yml

   ceph_node_count - to number ceph nodes
   ceph_enabled set to true to enable Ceph based deployment
   storage_node_disks- specify the disks for example storage_node_disks: ['/dev/nvme0n1'],
                        if you do not specify it get set based on the introspection
   osd_pool_default_pg_num - user needs to calculate and set it based on storage_node_disks
   osd_pool_default_pgp_num - user needs to calculate and set it based on storage_node_disks
   osd_objectstore can be set to filestore or bluestore. By default set to filestore
   osd_scenario can be set to collocated, non-collocated (for filestore) or lvm for (bluestore)

For OSP deploy with Ceph using Composable Roles, After setting the above specified vars you need to set two additional vars in group_vars/all.yml i.e ceph_ifaces, ceph_machine_type. Example: For OSP16.1,

    ceph_machine_type: '1029p'
    ceph_ifaces: [ens2f0, ens2f1, ens2f2, ens2f3]

Note: User can customize internal.yml.j2 template for Ceph deployment based on their requirement if needed

Deployment with Openshift

  1. On homogeneous set of machine type to deploy Openshift on Openstack, set the following variables in group_vars/all.yml.
    vendor_id: '144d'
    product_id: 'a804'
    address: '01:00.0'
      name: 'nvme'
      ram: 16384
      disk: 40
      vcpus: 4

  - /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services/octavia.yaml

#if you need vlan tenant network enable the below lines
  - NeutronNetworkType=vlan
  - NeutronBridgeMappings=openshift:br-openshift,datacentre:br-ex
  - NeutronNetworkVLANRanges=openshift:500:1000,datacentre:1:500
  - ComputeParameters.NeutronBridgeMappings=openshift:br-openshift
  - ControllerExtraConfig.neutron::agents::l3::extensions=fip_qos
  - NeutronServicePlugins=qos,ovn-router,trunk
  - NeutronDhcpAgentDnsmasqDnsServers=
  - NeutronEnableForceMetadata=true
  - NeutronDnsDomain=example.com
  - NeutronPluginExtensions=qos,port_security,dns_doNeutronDnsDomainmain_ports
  - ControllerExtraConfig.neutron::agents::dhcp::dnsmasq_local_resolv=true
shift_stack: true
  1. Set ocp_base_domain in vars/shift_stack_vars.yaml to whatever domain you mentioned as NeutronDnsDomain in group_vars/all.yml.
  2. Set undercloud_host and undercloud_password in vars/shift_stack_vars.yaml.
  3. For installing multiple OpenShift clusters, increase ocp_cluster_count to desired count in vars/shift_stack_vars.yaml.
  4. Set other parameters in vars/shift_stack_vars.yaml as per your specific requirement.
  5. If you do not have an Openstack environment already set up, trigger deployment for Openstack along with Openshift, by running ansible-playbook main.yml.
  6. If you already have an existing Openstack environment on which you want to deploy Openshift using Jetpack, run ansible-playbook -vvv ocp_on_osp.yml.

Cleanup of Openshift clusters:
By default OpenShift cluster resources are tagged with prefix rhocp or the name that was provided for cluster_name_prefix in group_vars/all.yml. So the ansible-playbook uses this fact for destroying the clusters.

  1. To delete multiple OpenShift clusters that are tagged with same prefix, Set that common prefix name for cluster_name_prefix in group_vars/all.yml.
  2. To delete a specific OpenShift cluster, pass cluster name directly to cluster_name_prefix instead of prefix.
  3. Run ansible-playbook -vvv ocp_cleanup.yml.

Possible issues and Workarounds :
Some of the possible issues that can be faced during the deployment of Openshift on Openstack using Jetpack are listed below, along with solutions to fix the issues.

  1. Error : panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    This issue can occur if your Openstack environment does not have enough computing power to support the ocp_master_flavor or the ocp_worker_flavor that was passed in vars/shift_stack_vars.yaml.
    Solution : Change ocp_master_flavor and ocp_worker_flavor to smaller flavors. You can choose from the list of flavors mentioned in vars/flavors.yaml.
  2. Error : error message: {"badRequest": {"code": 400, "message": "PCI alias nvme is not defined"}
    This error can occur if you didn't enable PCI passthrough for your Openstack deployment.
    Solution : Choose a flavor from the flavors section of vars/flavors.yaml for ocp_master_flavor in vars/shift_stack_vars.yaml
  3. Error :
Bootstrap failed to complete: failed waiting for Kubernetes API: Get "https://<Openshift DNS>:6443/version?timeout=32s": dial tcp <lb floating ip>:6443: i/o timeout

This error occurs when the user has not added a rule for masquerade on the undercloud.
Solution : ssh to the undercloud as the root user. Run sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o <interface> -j MASQUERADE

scale simulation

This feature allows scale testing on limited nodes environment. It helps in scale testing tripleo. Jetpack simulates VMs as Openstack overcloud compute nodes. Jetpack will use lab machines as hypervisors to create VMs and then use these VMs as Openstack overcloud nodes. Undercloud and Controller nodes will be still baremetal nodes.


  1. User has to install RHEL 8.2 on all hypervisors
  2. User has to copy ssh keys (i.e ~/.ssh) to all hypervisors. Each hypervisor should be able to login to other hypervisors.
  3. In group_vars/all.yml, set
scale_compute_vms: true

We need to follow below steps in this simulation. Please reach out to osp perf team for internal document which has detailed steps.

  1. clone infrared in home directory in ansible jump host
 GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true git clone https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/osp_perf_scale/infrared
 cd ~/infrared
 git checkout virsh_multi 
  1. Run scale_compute_vms.yml which creates VMs on hypervisors
ansible-playbook scale_compute_vms_prepare.yml
  1. Manually deploy VMs as explained in scale_compute_vms_deploy.yml
  2. Run main.yaml which deploys OSP on these VMs
ansible-playbook main.yaml


Deployment with TLS-Everywhere enables HTTPS on all overcloud endpoints. The feature is currently supported in Jetpack for OSP releases >= 17.0 and has been tested in the Scale Lab. The steps mentioned below should be followed to deploy an environment with TLS-Everywhere.

  1. In group_vars/all.yml, set tls_everywhere: true and idm_host_fqdn to a host in your allocation which you want to use for the Identity Management(IdM) server.
  2. i) Deployment without tags :
    Run ansible-playbook main.yml
    ii) Deployment with tags :
    Run ansible-playbook main.yml -t install_idm_server before running undercloud deployment with the undercloud tag.


  1. Overcloud nodes with existing software raid disks pre-deployment will lead to deployment failures due to ironic bug. It is common for storage-class servers like 6049p to be predeployed with software raid. There are 2 workarounds until this ironic bug is resolved.
    • Request for storage-class server allocations without software raid disks/partitions.
    • After jetpack failure, for manual fix, Set root_device hints in undercloud :
       openstack baremetal node set --property root_device='{"model": "<model-name>"}' <node uuid>
       Default model names:
       Supermicro 6048r: ST9500620NS
       Supermicro 6049p: ST1000NX0423
       To identify model name of local ATA disk:
   openstack introspection data save <node uuid> |jq '.inventory.disks[] | select(.vendor == "ATA" ) | .model '
      **Note:**: Server hardwares are configured to boot only from local boot disk, hence setting root_device to name device to any disk not local will result in boot failure.