iOS - MVP + Clean Architecture

This is a repository that contains all the templates necessary for creating projects under the architecture MVP + Clean Architecture

The templates are as follows:

  • Clean folder (Files needed to use the Clean Swift Architecture):

    • Clean Scene: Create a complete scene with the 6 files required (ViewController, Interactor, Presenter, Worker, Router and Models)
    • Clean Test: Create the classes of tests and spies necessary to be able to do the unit tests of the scene
  • MVP folder (Files needed to use the MVP architecture):

    • MVP Scene: Create a complete scene with the 3 files required (ViewController, Contract, Presenter)
    • MVP Test: Create the classes of tests and spies necessary to be able to do the unit tests of the scene
  • Base Application: Create an entire project under the MVP + Clean architecture. The project includes swiftlint, cocoadpods, 3 schemes (dev, QA, and Release) and an example demo module for developers. It also includes unit tests and can be runnable only in dev scheme.


  • iOS 12.1+
  • Xcode 13.0+


Clone this repo and excute sh install.

sh install


Just run the App on the XCode, new->project (BaseApplication) or new->File (MVP Scene, Clean Scene or Tests).