This Extension for the symfony framework provides a Generator which can be used - after registering the provided extension in your symfony application - in your code to generate typescript code from the application routes. These generated routes can be used in your typescript code to reference the symfony application routes.
composer require bolzer/symfony-typescript-routes
- Registering the Extension
// bundles.php
return [
Bolzer\SymfonyTypescriptRoutes\Bundle\TypescriptPathBundle::class => ['all' => true],
- Write something to create a path.ts file with the content from the service. Like a Command!
// some_command.php
use Bolzer\SymfonyTypescriptRoutes\Service\GeneratorService;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Bolzer\SymfonyTypescriptRoutes\Dto\GeneratorConfig;
class GenerationCommand extends Command
public function __construct(
private GeneratorService $generatorService,
protected function configure(): void
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
// Typescript routes containing relative and absolute urls.
$routes = $this->generatorService->generate(GeneratorConfig::generateEverything());
// Typescript routes containing absolute urls.
$routes = $this->generatorService->generate(GeneratorConfig::generateOnlyAbsoluteUrls());
// Typescript routes containing absolute urls.
$routes = $this->generatorService->generate(GeneratorConfig::generateOnlyRelativeUrls());
file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '../../../paths.ts', implode("\n", $routes));
$output->writeln('<comment>Generation of paths done.</comment>');
return Command::SUCCESS;
The Output may look something like this
const rRP = (rawRoute: string, routeParams: Record<string, string>): string => {Object.entries(routeParams).forEach(([key, value]) => rawRoute = rawRoute.replace(`{${key}}`, value)); return rawRoute;}
const aQP = (route: string, queryParams?: Record<string, string>): string => queryParams ? route + "?" + new URLSearchParams(queryParams).toString() : route;
export const path_user_route = ():{ relative: (routeParams: {id: string, noteId: string}, queryParams?: Record<string, string>) => string, absolute: (routeParams: {id: string, noteId: string}, queryParams?: Record<string, string>) => string} => {return {relative: (routeParams: {id: string, noteId: string}, queryParams?: Record<string, string>): string => aQP(rRP('/user/{id}/notes/{noteId}', routeParams), queryParams), absolute: (routeParams: {id: string, noteId: string}, queryParams?: Record<string, string>): string => aQP(rRP('{id}/notes/{noteId}', routeParams), queryParams)}};
And can be used like this
import * as $ from "jquery";
import {path_users_route} from "./paths";
$.get(path_users_route().relative({"count": "20"}))
// Outputs: /users?count=20
console.log(path_users_route().relative(({"count": "20"})))
// Outputs:
console.log(path_users_route().absolute(({"count": "20"})))
- Query and Route Params must be provided as strings to the Typescript Functions if no requirement at the route is defined. Only digit requirements and either A or B requirements are supported.
- All generated path functions in typescript will have a "path_" prefix.
docker build -t ts-path-tests .
docker run ts-path-tests
XDEBUG_MODE=coverage ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text