
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Launch the counter

Note: By default, the script will try to find a logs folder in the project, and display the fifth popular ids

npm start

You can specify the log's path by adding an optional parameter path

npm start -- path=your-path

You can choose how many popular ids you want to see

npm start -- count=10

Launch the tests

npm was used to use ES import module and for jest. Be sure jest is installed :

npm install


npm test


Hope it's OK

│ (index) │  id   │ count │
│    0    │ '413' │  105  │
│    1    │ '505' │  102  │
│    2    │ '473' │  97   │
│    3    │ '512' │  96   │
│    4    │ '991' │  95   │