
Data files and code for "Top Python Hacks for Finance" with Bitcoin and DXY Index daily data covering the five years through mid-July 2021, as published in Data Driven Investor on Medium.com

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Data files and code for "Top Python Hacks for Finance" with Bitcoin and DXY Index daily data covering the five years through mid-July 2021. The Jupyter notebook runs through the following operations:

  • Setting DateTime indices, and merging time series DataFrames;
  • Subsetting DateTime indices;
  • Double-axis chart plotting;
  • Resampling data and statistics to different frequencies; and
  • Rolling data analysis, including regression

As published in Data Driven Investor on Medium.com: https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/top-python-hacks-for-finance-f9ea900a686c?sk=0b09b31b9953f3cd78217ea2e49b5bdb