
ALMA Science Archive web services

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

ALMA IVOA Deployment

ALMA Science Archive web services.

Docker Compose deployment

For ease, rename one of these to just docker-compose.yml, or run with docker-compose -f <file>.


A set of HTTP-only running services relying on an existing Oracle database. Port 80 is open.


A set of HTTPS-only running services relying on an existing Oracle database. This requires a volume called server_certs containing server.crt and server.key to enable Traefik's SSL engine. Ports 80 and 443 are open.

For any Docker Compose deployment, provide a .env file with the following variables:

Key Description
PROXY_HOST Main registry hostname.
DATABASE_USER Oracle user.
DATABASE_PASSWORD Oracle password.
DATABASE_HOST Oracle host.
DATABASE_NAME Oracle database name.

Service Stack Configuration

The properties file, org.opencadc.alma.properties, is required to be in the ~/config/ folder. This file contains the Service URIs (identifiers) that will be looked up in the Registry to obtain an acutal URL.



| Property                      | Description                              |
| almaDataLinkServiceURI        | DataLink service identifier              |
| almaRequestHandlerServiceURI  | Request Handler service identifier       |
|                               | for locating files and drill down        |
| almaFileSodaServicePort       | NGAS (Back-end) SODA service port        |
| almaSODAServiceURI            | User facing (Front-end) SODA service     |
| almaDataPortalServiceURI      | Data Portal service for DataLink entries |
| almaLoggingServiceURL         | Full URL to the remote logging service to|
|                               | POST to                                  |


reg (ivo://almascience.org/reg) opencadc/alma-reg:2.1.0

The Registry service to distribute URLs for running services, namely the SIA and ObsCore services.

This service will have two files; reg-applications.properties, and reg-resource-caps.properties.

Once deployed, the reg service will make their contents available via the /reg/applications and /reg/resource-caps endpoints.


Is expected to have two entries:


The URI keys will conform to the provided ones in the org.opencadc.alma.properties, and provide the services with an endpoint to use it. The reg-applications.properties differs in that it provides access to non-IVOA services, but still necessary ones.


Five IVOA services will need to be listed here, as well as the endpoints to use them. These URI keys will also match the configured ones in the org.opencadc.alma.properties. The data service will be located by the Request Handler location service due to the complexity of have the service run on multiple nodes.

# The registry service
ivo://almascience.org/reg = https://almascience.org/reg/capabilities

## ALMA services

# The IVAO SIA compatible service
ivo://almascience.org/sia = https://almascience.org/sia2/capabilities

# The IVOA DataLink service
ivo://almascience.org/datalink = https://almascience.org/datalink/capabilities

# The IVOA SODA service
ivo://almascience.org/soda = https://almascience.org/soda/capabilities

# The IVOA TAP service
ivo://almascience.org/tap = https://almascience.org/tap/capabilities

sia (ivo://almascience.org/sia) opencadc/alma-sia:2.1.0

SIA v2 service. This uses the ObsCore (TAP) service as described by the registry. See the SiaRunner.properties file to specify the TAP URI to use.

obscore (ivo://almascience.org/tap) opencadc/alma-tap:2.1.0

ObsCore (TAP) service to query the ALMA ObsCore database. An existing Oracle instance is required.

datalink (ivo://almascience.org/datalink) opencadc/alma-datalink:2.1.0

DataLink service to expand an MOUS ID into download URLs

data (ivo://almascience.org/data) opencadc/alma-data:2.1.0

Internal service to run on a storage (NGAS) node and execute the cutout code directly against files. It is mostly SODA compliant.

soda (ivo://almascience.org/soda) opencadc/alma-soda:2.1.0

IVOA SODA service. This will use the reg service to locate the Request Handler service, and the back-end SODA service.