
Peaceful Open Source License 2020. PeaceOSL 2020. A License To Promote Peaceful Usage Of Licensed Items.

PeaceOSL (2020)

Peaceful Open Source License, aka: PeaceOSL. License Version: 2020.

Author: Linkesh Diwan. (Link -at- WiseEarthTechnology -dot- com)
Author: Erik T. Ashfolk. (atErik -at- Ashfolk -dot- com)

Copyright (c) 2013, Wise Earth Publishers.
Copyright (c) 2020, Erik T. Ashfolk.

Permission is granted to modify, copy, and redistribute this
"PeaceOSL" (2020) license in accordance with this PeaceOSL (2020)
license itself.

The "Peaceful Open Source License" ("PeaceOSL") 2013
was authored by Linkesh Diwan of WiseEarthTechnology (WET),
it was published by Wise Earth Publishers (WEP):
The "PeaceOSL" 2013 License is available from here:
or, from here:
or, from "PeaceOSL.txt" inside the sub-directory "PeaceOSL_by_WEP-WET"
under this "PeaceOSL"-2020 project.

Erik T. Ashfolk began to modify the "PeaceOSL" 2013 version since Oct, 2020.
And currently, Modified/Changed Lic version number is v2020-11-01,
available from here:

To apply/use this "PeaceOSL" 2020 license:

(1) Read the license/contract conditions/terms, restrictions/permissions, etc here:
PeaceOSL 2020.
And get a copy if you agree.
Rename "PeaceOSL.txt" into "PeaceOSL_License.txt" (Do Not Modify This).
Copy "PeaceOSL_License.txt", & paste+rename into "PeaceOSL_Licence_for_your-software-name.txt"

(2) (a) find below lines inside the "PeaceOSL_Licence_for_your-software-name.txt" file:

Peaceful Open Source License: "PeaceOSL": ...
Copyright (C) Linkesh Diwan. (Link-at-WiseEarthTechnology-dot-com)
Copyright (C) 2020 Erik T. Ashfolk. (atErik-at-Ashfolk-dot-com)

(2) (b) change/modify by editing those lines inside the license for your software, into something like these:

Name of your software/service/hardware,etc: small Description.
Copyright (C) YEAR-number Author-NAME (author's longterm web or email or physical address)
This software,service,hardware,etc is licensed under PeaceOSL 2020.
Without Agreeing With ALL Conditions In "PeaceOSL" 2020 License/Contract, THIS
Software,Service,Hardware,etc CANNOT BE USED IN ANYWAY.
License/Contract is here: https://github.com/atErik/PeaceOSL/blob/main/PeaceOSL.txt

(3) And began to notify with those (modified) lines, by using those (modified) lines in top/initial location of your software,service,hardware,etc source code files, and in notification/output of software, service, hardware or binary output, etc.

(4) Always keep+carry copy of these two license files: "PeaceOSL_License.txt", and the "PeaceOSL_License_for_your-software-name.txt" with your software,service,hardware,etc top/initial folder location.

PeaceOSL (2020).