
Blog scraper and telegram bot

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Telegram Blog Bot

This is a simple telegram bot that scrapes blog links from my friend's website

Link: https://t.me/growtholic_blog_bot


Make sure you have Node.js installed and run

npm install


In order to run this bot you need to set some environment variables.

  • Create a .env file on the root of this project.
  • Edit the file and add two variables:
    BOT_TOKEN=<Your bot token received from t.me/BotFather>
    REFRESH_KEY=<The key that will be used to refresh the blog data>


Start the server using-

npm start

Use one of the following commands on your telegram bot, Currently this bot supports only two commands:

  • /refresh <refresh key>: Used to refresh blog data on the server (Run everytime new blog is added).
  • /read: Used by users to select and read blogs.