
Simple django application to simplify the inclusion of QR codes

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

.. contents::

Django QR


Django QR is a simple Django application that provides some templatetags
that allows to include automatically QR codes on the Django site.


Once is installed from PyPI, you just need to add it to your settings as


  INSTALLED_APPS = (..., 'qrcode', ...)


Its usage is very simple. You just need to use the templatetag as follows:


  {% load qr_tags %}


  {% qr_from_text "text" "size" %}
  {% qr_from_mail "mail_address" "size" %}

Example when looping on a list of QR codes to generate::

    {% for qrcode in qrcode_list %}
    <p class="qrcodeImage">{% qr_from_text "text" "size" %}
    {% endfor %}


 * Size is not mandatory, and defines the dimensions of the QR code as following: 's' (120x120 pixels), 'm' (230x230 pixels), 'l' (350x350) or an integer with the size that you want to give to the QR-code (like 40, 80 or 500). Any other option will be ignored and will use 'm' as default.
 * qr_from_mail tag just add a simple "mailto:" at the beggining, because some qr scanners can detect that as an email address in order to send it an email.

QR-code for contact information

There's also a templatetag to render a QR-code that allows to store
some contact information, such as name, phone number, email address or
our company name.

Its usage is similiar to the basics:


   {% qr_from contact contact "size" %}


 * Size is the same as previously
 * contact should be a Python dictionary (or any other hash structure) that could contain the following elements:

  * *name* - Complete name
  * *phone_number*
  * *email*
  * *url* - some url address, your blog or personal webpage
  * *company*

For instance, you could create a contact dictionary like the following:


    contact = {
        'name': 'Pablo Recio',
        'phone_number': '00000000',
        'email': 'foo@example.com',
        'url': 'http://www.zocolab.es',
        'company': 'Zocolab',

QR-code of Django object URL

Another templatetag can be used to render a QR-code that links to a Django object URL. As
the previous templatetags, the usage is very simple:

   {% qr_from_object object "size" %}


 * Size is the same as previously
 * Object it's an instance of a Django model, that must implements the 'get_absolute_url' method in order to get the object's address.

Change service for QR generating

By default, django-qr uses Google Chart for generating the QR-code. But this can be changed with a new template. The default
template *qrcode/qr_tag.html* contains the following:


<img src="http://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=qr&chs={{ size }}x{{ size }}&chl={{ text }}" />

But if you want to use some other service, like *qrserver*, you just need to add a new template in your templates dirs with
the following code:


<img src="http://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size={{ size }}x{{ size }}&data={{ text }}" />

The idea is that your *qrcode/qr_tag.html* contains an img tag and the call to the service that you want, mantaining the
variables *size* and *data*.