This project is created to discuss the string catalog usage in a Swift package and an app target.
An app using this package is created inside DiscussStringCatalogAppUsingPackage. You can use it for reproduction of the problem.
The package was dragged own drop to the Xcode project as local swift package.
Xcode Version 15.3 (15E204a)
macOS 14.4 (23E214)
Scenario One: The Swift package has a string catalog and the app target does not
The target in the Package.swift file has resources: [.process("Resources")]. This Resources folder has a string catalog.
The string catalog is correctly populated by the compiler
The German translations are added to the catalog
One of the Text views is using Bundle.module to see if it works
Text("this text has a German translation in the catalog", bundle: .module)
The scheme run options is changed to German
On the UI I see English text
Xcode shows the following warning
ERROR: this text has a German translation in the catalog not found in table Localizable of bundle CFBundle 0x6000024f5a40 </Users/atacan/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/DiscussStringCatalogAppUsingPackage-djgqsvpidusfvabiivpoothnzbus/Build/Products/Debug/> (not loaded)
I open the contents of the DiscussionStringCatalogPackage_DiscussionStringCatalogPackage.bundle in Finder, I can see the following structure
The Localizable.strings file has the German translations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPEplist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<key>Hello, world!</key>
<string>Hallo, Welt!</string>
<key>This is a text originally written in English</key>
<string>Dieser Text wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst.</string>
<key>this text has a German translation in the catalog</key>
<string>dieser Text hat eine deutsche Übersetzung im Katalog</string>
For the text that doesn't have Bundle.module, Xcode shows this warning
ERROR: Hello, world! not found in table Localizable of bundle CFBundle 0x600002c5c000 </Users/atacan/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/DiscussStringCatalogAppUsingPackage-djgqsvpidusfvabiivpoothnzbus/Build/Products/Debug/> (executable, loaded)
The difference is that it looks at the app bundle instead of the package bundle as above, which is fine.
Scenario Two: The Swift package and the app have a string catalog
The same result as Scenario One
Scenario Three: The Swift package and the app have a string catalog. But the app has a Text view, and its text is localized
The text from the app is correctly shown in German
Only the text from the package that uses Bundle.module is shown in German. The other texts are shown non-localised.