Stream Request Body to another service as a MultiPart Form Request

Use Case

Our server is receiving a large media file in the request body and we want to send it to a third party service. This service expects a multi-part form request.

We don't want to collect the file into server's memory. That's why we want to stream this multi-part data to the third party service.

For illustartion, we make the request to or some local server that waits for a seconds and returns a hard-coded response.

See Application+build


Observing the memory consumption on the Xcode debug navigator, we see very large spikes in memory although we create an AsyncStream for the third-party API request body.

Spike is around 00:06

The server starts with 10MB. With incoming requests it spikes to 2-4GB. After the requests are finished the new baseline becomes 70MB.


Send thirty 100MB files concurrently.

For example

chmod +x ./scripts/