
There are twenty mini projects developed in C# using various technologies and frameworks.

Primary LanguageC#

Twenty Mini Projects

There are projects developed with C# using various technologies and frameworks. The list below contains the Technologies and frameworks used.

Utilized Technologies

  • Languages : C#, SQL
  • Frameworks : ADO.NET, ASP.NET, Entity Framework (DbFirst, CodeFirst), Windows Form
  • ORM : Dapper, Entity Framework
  • Databases : MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
  • APIs : Rapid API, ASP.NET Core API
  • Tools : Visual Studio, SQL Management Studio, Postman, MongoDB Compass, PgAdmin
  • Sources : Kaggle Datasets
  • Version Control : Git

1. Adonet Customer Application (ADO.NET)

Using ADO.NET, customer, city and statistics information is dynamically pulled from SQL database. The purpose of the application is to ensure efficient data processing.

2. Product Managment Application (Entity Framework - Database First)

Product and category management was done using Entity Framework's Database First approach. Database objects are automatically mapped to .NET objects.

3. Statistical Data Representation (Entity Framework)

The data in the created tables were processed with LINQ queries and statistical reports were created. The querying power of Entity Framework was emphasized.

4. Movie and TV Series List Application (Entity Framework - Code First)

Using Entity Framework's Code First approach, a database was created and a movie/series list management system was developed.

5. Northwind Database Operations (Dapper ORM)

Data operations were performed with Dapper ORM using the Northwind database. This project focuses on lightweight and efficient data access methods.

6. Weather API Application (ASP.NET Core)

An API has been developed using ASP.NET Core to provide weather data for cities and towns. A scalable and well documented API structure is presented.

7. Using API Data in a Console Application (C#)

Data was extracted from the developed weather API and used in the C# console application.

8. Exchange Rate Application (Rapid API)

Instant exchange rates (Dollar, Euro, Pound) were captured and dynamically displayed via Rapid API.

9. Order Management Application (MongoDB)

An order management system was developed using MongoDB. NoSQL database integration and document-based data storage processes are demonstrated in this project.

10. ToDo List Application (PostgreSQL)

A ToDo List application was developed using PostgreSQL database. CRUD operations were performed successfully.

11. SQL Trigger Application

Some database operations are automated by using parameterized and non-parameterized triggers in SQL.

12. JWT Authentication Application

Session management and authentication processes were performed using JSON Web Token (JWT). Token based authentication was successfully performed.

13. Air Card Application (Rapid API)

Instant weather data retrieved from Rapid API was visualized and presented as a weather card application.

14. SQL Relationship Management Application

Database relationships were structured using one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many relationships on SQL.

15. Fuel Price Simulation (Istanbul)

Current fuel prices in Istanbul were taken and a fuel simulation was created.

16. User Activation Application

Activation codes were sent to the real e-mail addresses of the users and session verification was performed through these codes.

17. Kaggle Data Analysis Application

Data analysis was performed using Kaggle data sets (Netflix, pizza orders, market data) and an application on big data management was developed.

18. Dashboard and Chart Application (C# Forms)

A dashboard was created using C# Forms, dynamic graphics and widgets were prepared with Kaggle data sets.

19. Restaurant Table Management System

The instant occupancy and vacancy status of the tables of a restaurant was monitored and this information was visualized in a management interface.

20. Final

A general evaluation was made in the final section.