
Community maintained !Bangs Database.

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Bangs Index

Community maintained !Bangs Database.

What exactly is a !Bang?

In case you haven't heard of the term !Bang, it is a way to search quickly. Directly takes you to search results of the specified website or your pre-defined default one. Let's take a closer look at the example below:

  1. Type "!w Banana" in the address bar
  2. You've been directly redirected to the Banana Wikipedia page.

What exactly happened is:

  1. Looks through the bangs.json file to match for !w
  2. Founds a match, that leads to search results of Wikipedia in bangs.json file https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search={search}
  3. Replaces the {search} with the Banana
  4. Navigates to that URL.


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