Wingie Fake API and User Listing App


This project consists of two main parts:

  1. Fake API: A GraphQL API created with Apollo Server and deployed on Vercel.

  2. User Listing App: A React application that consumes the fake API, lists users with Server-Side Rendering (SSR), allows users to be voted, and follows best practices. Sentry is integrated for error monitoring.

Fake API

The fake API is built using Apollo Server and is deployed at

User Listing and Voting App

This application implements server-side rendering (SSR) using the latest version of Next.js. It allows users to view a list of users and vote for their favorites. The app also integrates Sentry for error monitoring.

Application URL and Sentry Example Page

Application is deployed at

Sentry example page is deployed at h


  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Utilizes Next.js for efficient SSR, enhancing performance and SEO.
  • User Listing: Displays a list of users fetched from a GraphQL API.
  • Voting: Users can vote for their favorite users, increasing their vote count.
  • GraphQL Integration: Uses Apollo Client to interact with a GraphQL server.
  • Error Monitoring: Sentry is integrated to monitor and track errors in real-time.

Technologies Used

  • Next.js: Latest version for SSR and enhanced frontend performance.
  • React: Frontend framework for building the user interface.
  • Apollo Client: Fetches data from the GraphQL API.
  • GraphQL: Query language for APIs used to fetch and mutate user data.
  • Sentry: Integrated for proactive error monitoring and tracking.