
first time to use github to handle the project.

Primary LanguageC


###The code is terrible.We have done little modification.But anyway,it works. Maybe we will modify it later.

It is our first time to use github to handle the project.

The android application is written by SuperAzhe https://github.com/SuperAZHE/CamCar ##introduction Our aim is to build a camera car with raspberry pi,stm32 and android(as a remote controller). Our car is expected to have the following function:

  1. being able to go forward,backward,left,right
  2. the servo in the car can turn the camera up and down
  3. remote control
  4. video transport
  5. auto obstacle avoidance
  6. object tracking



####1.mcu or board

  1. raspberry pi 1 model B or later version
  2. stm32f103

####2.android phone

####3.motor and servo

  1. tow motors with driver board
  2. one servo(which is used to turn camera)

####4.power bank

(we use power banks as power)

####5.infared sensor

(we use infared leds and phototransistors to build up our infared sensor)


####v4l2rtspserver (in raspberry)

wget http://www.live555.com/liveMedia/public/live555-latest.tar.gz -O - | tar xvzf -
cd live
./genMakefiles linux
git clone --recursive https://github.com/mpromonet/v4l2rtspserver.git
cd v4l2rtspserver/v4l2wrapper
cd ..
cp v4l2wrapper/libv4l2wrapper.a .
cmake . && make
make install

(for more information please visit the https://github.com/mpromonet/v4l2rtspserver.git)