Streaming / asynchronous Scala client for common AWS services on top of dwhjames/aws-wrap . When possible, clients expose methods that return Akka Stream's Sources / Flows / Sinks to provide streaming facilities.
Clients use a pool of threads managed internally and optimized for blocking IO operations.
This library makes heavy use of our extension library for Akka Stream MfgLabs/akka-stream-extensions.
resolvers ++= Seq(
Resolver.bintrayRepo("mfglabs", "maven"),
Resolver.bintrayRepo("dwhjames", "maven")
libraryDependencies += "com.mfglabs" %% "commons-aws" % "0.8.0"
Scaladoc is available there
val builder = S3StreamBuilder(new AmazonS3AsyncClient()) // contains un-materialized composable Source / Flow / Sink
val fileStream: Source[ByteString, Unit] = builder.getFileAsStream(bucket, key)
val multipartfileStream: Source[ByteString, Unit] = builder.getMultipartFileAsStream(bucket, prefix)
builder.uploadStreamAsFile(bucket, key, chunkUploadConcurrency = 2)
nbChunkPerFile = 10000,
chunkUploadConcurrency = 2
val ops = new builder.MaterializedOps(flowMaterializer) // contains materialized methods on top of S3Stream
val file: Future[ByteString] = ops.getFile(bucket, key)
// More methods, check the source code
Please remark that you don't need any implicit scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
as it's directly provided
and managed by [[AmazonS3Client]] itself.
There are also smart AmazonS3Client
constructors that can be provided with custom.
if you want to manage your pools of threads.
import com.pellucid.wrap.sqs.AmazonSQSScalaClient
val sqs = new AmazonSQSScalaClient(new AmazonSQSAsyncClient(), ec)
val builder = SQSStreamBuilder(sqs)
val sender: Flow[String, SendMessageResult, Unit] =
Flow[String].map { body =>
val req = new SendMessageRequest()
val receiver: Source[Message, Unit] =
builder.receiveMessageAsStream(queueUrl, autoAck = false)
In your code:
import cloudwatch._ // brings implicit extensions
// Create the client
val CW = new cloudwatch.AmazonCloudwatchClient()
// Use it
for {
metrics <- CW.listMetrics()
} yield (metrics)
Please remark that you don't need any implicit scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
as it's directly provided
and managed by [[AmazonCloudwatchClient]] itself.
There are also smart AmazonCloudwatchClient
constructors that can be provided with custom.
if you want to manage your pools of threads.
It provides a simple mechanism that sends periodically a heartbeat metric to AWS Cloudwatch.
If the heartbeat rate on a configurable period falls under a configurable threshold or the metrics isn't fed with sufficient data, a Cloudwatch ALARM
status is triggered & sent to a given SQS endpoint.
When the rate goes above threshold again, an OK
status is triggered & sent to the same SQS endpoint.
IMPORTANT: the alarm is created by the API itself but due to a limitation (or a bug) in Amazon API, the status of this alarm will stay at
until you manually update it in the AWS console. For that, wait 1/2 minutes after start so that Cloudwatch receives enough heartbeats and then select the alarm, click onmodify
and then click onsave
. The alarm should pass toOK
Cloudwatch heartbeat is based on Cloudwatch service & Akka scheduler.
import myExecutionCtx // an implicit custom execution context
val hb = new CloudwatchAkkaHeartbeat(
namespace = "Test/Heartbeat", // the namespace of the cloudwatch metrics
name = "test1", // the name of the cloudwatch
beatPeriod = 2.second, // the heart beat period in Scala.concurrent.duration.Duration string format
alarmPeriod = 120.seconds, // the period on which the metrics is analyzed to determine the heartbeat health
alarmPeriodNb = 1, // the number of "bad health" periods after which the alarm is triggered
alarmThreshold = 10, // the threshold counting the number of heartbeats on a period under which the "bad health" is detected
system = system, // the Akka system to create scheduler
client = CW, // the cloudwatch client
actionEndpoint = "arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:896733075612:Cloudwatch-HeartBeat-Test" // the actionEndpoint (SQS) to which Cloudwatch will send the alarm
hb.start() // to start the heartbeat
hb.stop() // to stop the heartbeat
Please note that you need to provide an implicit
is ready to be used in a cake pattern
object MyAkkaService extends CloudwatchHeartbeatLayer {
override val system = myAkkaSystem
override val heartbeatClient = myCloudClient
override val heartbeatName: String = ...
override val heartbeatNamespace: String = ...
override val heartbeatPeriod: FiniteDuration = ...
override val heartbeatAlarmPeriod: FiniteDuration = ...
override val heartbeatAlarmPeriodNb: Int = ...
override val heartbeatAlarmThreshold: Int = ...
override val heartbeatEndpoint: String = ...
// start the heartbeat
This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license, quoted below.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.