
Lambda Calculus in Clojure.

Primary LanguageClojure


Simple interpreter for lambda calculus.

Use atamis.mutton/simplify to simplify a lambda calclus term according to the following rules

    x -> x
    (l x y) -> function that binds x in y body
    (x y) -> applies function x to body y

It uses clojure.spec.alpha to verify the syntax of the term, and atamis.mutton/unconform to convert a conformed term to a normal term.

(time (try (simplify '((l x (x x)) (l x (x x))))
                          (catch Error e (println "Got error" e))

"Elapsed time: 18.542197 msecs"


Copyright Andrew Amis 2019.

Eclipse License with Classpath Exception, or whatever.