Cloud Native Application Architecture Nanodegree (CNAAND), Udacity

I was one of the 300 CNAAND recipients chosen from the 15,000 participants in the SUSE Cloud Native Foundations Scholarship Program. This repo contains a collection of project deliverables from my CNAAND course work.

A portion of project code and artifacts are stowed in secured storage to discourage improper access. For legitimate needs, please email to request access.


Project Deliverables Summary

  • Package and deploy a fully functional online news sharing website application components to Kubernetes using CI/CD pipeline, with Docker image build, k3s, Kubernetes declarative manifests, Helm chart and ArgoCD for staging and production environments. The web application components and site map are as shown below (Image credit: Udacity CNAAND Nanodegree):


  • Add health check and logging to the web app, leverage Github Action workflow and ArgoCD to implement a CI/CD pipeline to propage the web app through 3 kubernestes (sandbox, staging and production) environments, enabling the app to be fully tested, validated in an orderly manner before reaching the end-users fault free.

  • Project specification: refer to this rubric

  • Project code and artifact repository: click here

  • Tool: VirtualBox, Vagrant, Git, Python, Docker, k3s, kubernetes, Helm, ArgoCD

  • Artifact: github workflow file,, docker_commands, k8 declarative manifests, ArgoCD deployment manifests

  • Refactor a POC application (that ingests location data from mobile devices and identifies users in closed geographic proximity) into a microservice architecture using the appropriate message passign techniques, and deliver a MVP (Minimum Viable Product) capable of ingesting a large volume of location data. The resulting workflow is as shown below:


  • Implement distributed tracing with Jaeger, Kubernetes resource monitoring with Prometheus and visualize the metrics with Grafana. A sample view of the artifacts is as shown below:


  • Utilize Jaeger Operator, Jaeger instance, OpenTelemetry Flask Instrumentation and OpenTelemetry Jaeger Thrift Exporter to implement distributed tracing with Jaeger on Kubernetes. Leverage Prometheus, Prometheus Flask Exporter with multiprocessing enabled for metrics collection, and Grafana to create a dashboard for the metrics.

  • Project specification: refer to this rubric

  • Project code and artifact repository: click here

  • Tool: Docker, VirtualBox, Vagrant, k3s, Helm, Jaeger Operator, OpenTelemetry Flask Instrumentation, OpenTelemetry Jaeger Thrift Exporter, Prometheus, Prometheus Flask Exporter, Grafana, PromSQL

  • Artifact: service monitor manifests, app deployment manifests,

  • Threat model and harden a microservice environment on a RKE cluster, implement runtime monitoring with Falco, Prometheus and Grafana. The architecture diagram below depicts the service and security boundaries of the microservice environment:


  • Apply container and Kubernetes cluster threat modeling techniques and toolings leanred to build a secure and hardened Microservice environment. Leverage Falco, Prometheus and Grafana to equip the environment with runtime monitoring and threat escalation measures.

  • Project specification: refer to this rubric

  • Project code and artifact repository: click here

  • Tool: Docker, VirtualBox, Vagrant, RKE, Helm, kubectl, Python, Grype, Falco, Falco Exporter, Prometheus, Grafana, PromSQL

  • Artifact: security architecture diagram, thread modeling, incident response,

  • Deploy a web application composed of multiple microservices written in different programming languages to Kubernetes using a CI/CD pipeline, observe, analyze and implement changes that would optimize the existing components. The web application components and site map are as shown below (Image credit: Udacity CNAAND Nanodegree):
