
Laravel 5 content management system for starters (5.1 and 5.2)

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Laravel 5 Simple CMS

Laravel 5.2 content management system for starters. For 5.1, see the 5.1 branch.

##Table of Contents


  • Admin Panel
    • Based on AdminLTE theme
    • Statistics fetched by Google Analytics API integrated dashboard
    • Language management.
    • Category and article management
    • Page management with nested sets
    • Server side oriented datatables
    • TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor with photo uploading features
  • Front-end
    • View articles, categories, pages
    • Multi-language support

##Requirements PHP >= 5.5.9 MCrypt PHP Extension Database

##Quick Start:

$ git clone https://github.com/ozdemirburak/laravel-5-simple-cms.git CUSTOM_DIRECTORY
$ curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
$ php composer.phar install
$ mv .env.example .env

Create a database and configure the .env file.

$ php artisan key:generate
$ php artisan migrate
$ php artisan db:seed
$ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup | sudo bash -
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
$ npm install --global gulp bower
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ gulp --production
$ php artisan serve

Open http://localhost:8000 from your browser. To access the admin panel, hit the link http://localhost:8000/admin from your browser. The application comes with default user with email address admin@admin.com and 123456. If you don't configure your .env file as expected, such as if you don't locate a .p12 file that is needed for analytics data parsing, then upon login, just hit http://localhost:8000/admin/user to see the features starting from the users part as you will get an error which is Can't find .p12 certificate.

Attention #1 : If you have Xdebug installed and get an error Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting!, you need to increase the value of xdebug.max_nesting_level in your php.ini. See this Stack Overflow question for further information.

Attention #2 : If HTMLPurifier returns you an error about file permissions, or if purified content can't be posted, fix file permissions with calling chmod 775 -R storage/purifier then chmod 775 -R vendor/ezyang/htmlpurifier/library/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.

##Installation Guide:

Step 1: Download the Repository

Either Clone the repository using git clone: git clone https://github.com/ozdemirburak/laravel-5-simple-cms.git CUSTOM_DIRECTORY or install via zip and extract to any of your folders you wish.

Step 2: Install Dependencies

If you have downloaded the repository using git clone, then change your directory to that folder: cd CUSTOM_DIRECTORY or if you have installed the file via zip, then within that folder, open your terminal. To install the composer dependencies you need to have composer installed, if you don't have composer, install it first curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php then php composer.phar install or if you have composer installed and globally, then just run composer install.

As this project relies on bower and gulp heavily, you need to install them. To install node and npm, curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup | sudo bash - and sudo apt-get install -y nodejs. Then npm install --global gulp bower to install gulp and bower globally. Finally, to install Laravel project dependencies, run npm install.

After installing node modules, install javascript and style based dependencies run bower install, to combine the javascript and style files run gulp --production.

Rename your .env.example file as .env and change the variables as your own. If you have any variables with any spaces, double quote them, for instance, if you have a variable that equals to John Doe, use "John Doe" instead.

Finally, to generate a unique application key, run php artisan key:generate.

Step 3: Create database

Create a database with utf8_unicode_ci preferably or any utf8 collation you wish to make the application work as expected.

Step 4: Set Configuration

Open your .env file and change the fields corresponding to your own configurations.

All variables with DB_ prefixes relates to your database configuration.

For the mail configuration, this application uses Gmail as a mail server. To configure it correctly, you need to change the MAIL_USERNAME variable as your Gmail username without @gmail.com and password as your Gmail password, MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS is your Gmail account with @gmail.com and MAIL_FROM_NAME is your name that is registered to that Gmail account.

To use the Analytics API, you need to create a project from https://code.google.com/apis/console/, then you need to give a name to it. After creating a new project, from the left sidebar, click to APIs from APIs & Auth section. From the applications list, click to Analytics API and hit Enable API. After that, again from the left sidebar, click to Credentials and hit Create new Client ID. After you hit that button, you will be seeing a modal, select the Server option from the options list. After creating that, it will give you the Client ID and email address that you need within the .env file. After that, you need to hit Generate new P12 key to complete the api creation. Download the P12 key and store it within your application's storage/analytics folder. Finally, from https://www.google.com/analytics create new account and from the Admin section's subsection User Management, add the email address that was previously created with read and analyze permission. To sum up, ANALYTICS_SITE_ID is the id of the project that you create from Google Analytics user interface. If you can't find that, its the part that comes after p in the link in your browser when you are in the Admin section of that project. The link looks like this: https://www.google.com/analytics/web/management/Settings/a***w****pYOUR_SITE_ID_IS_HERE. ANALYTICS_CLIENT_ID and ANALYTICS_SERVICE_EMAIL are the ones that you previously created. The filename is your P12 that you previously downloaded, the .p12 suffix is not needed, for instance if you have downloaded SOMETHING-*****.p12 file, then you need to write SOMETHING-***** for the ANALYTICS_FILENAME variable. Finally, for the ANALYTICS_COUNTRY and ANALYTICS_COUNTRY_CODE define your custom country and its short code using the same structure within the example, short code must be upper cased and country name must be camel cased.

Step 5: Migrate and Seed

To migrate the database tables, run php artisan migrate and to seed the database with some data, run php artisan db:seed.

Step 6: Serve

To serve the application, you can use php artisan serve, then open http://localhost:8000 from your browser. To access the admin panel, hit the link http://localhost:8000/admin from your browser. The application comes with default user with email address admin@admin.com and 123456.

User Guide

How to Create a New Resource

Lets assume we want to create a new resource for fruits where we'd like to manage our fruits with multi-language support, from our admin panel where will provide its' title and content.

$ php artisan make:controller Admin/FruitController
$ php artisan make:migration:schema create_fruits_table --schema="language_id:unsignedInteger:foreign, title:string, slug:string:unique, content:text"
$ php artisan make:request Admin/FruitRequest
$ php artisan make:form Forms/Admin/FruitsForm
$ php artisan migrate

This will create everything that we need to manage our Fruits.

Attention: The schema migration above may create two migrations, one by the command itself, one by the creating the model. So, before making the migration, you should check out the probable duplicates.

Afterwards, check your resources/lang folders' admin.php files, for the /en folder's admin.php file add the menu translations to menu array first.

"fruit" => [
    "add"        => "Add a Fruit",
    "all"        => "All Fruits",
    "root"       => "Fruits"

Then to the fields array, add the translations for the form that will be generated for it again.

"fruit" => [
    "content"     => "Content",
    "language_id" => "Language"
    "title"       => "Title"

Finally for the breadcrumbs generation add the fruit translations like below.

"fruit" => [
    "create"       => "Create fruit",
    "edit"         => "Edit fruit",
    "index"        => "Fruits",
    "show"         => "Show fruit"

After finishing the language parts, check the Fruit model, which is located in app folder as Fruit.php. As we are using slugs, configure the model as below.

<?php namespace App;

use Cviebrock\EloquentSluggable\SluggableInterface;
use Cviebrock\EloquentSluggable\SluggableTrait;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Fruit extends Model implements SluggableInterface {

    use SluggableTrait;

    protected $sluggable = array(
        'build_from' => 'title',
        'save_to'    => 'slug',
        'on_update'  => true

    protected $fillable = ['content', 'language_id', 'title'];

    public function language()
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Language');

Hence add the relation to Language model that references our fruits.

public function fruits()
    return $this->hasMany('App\Fruit');

Create new FruitDataTable controller for datatables within Http/Controllers/Api/DataTables folder and edit it.


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api\DataTables;

use App\Http\Controllers\Api\DataTableController;
use App\Fruit;

class FruitDataTable extends DataTableController
    protected $columns = ['title'];
    protected $common_columns = ['created_at', 'updated_at'];
    public function query()
        $fruits = Fruit::whereLanguageId(session('current_lang')->id);
        return $this->applyScopes($fruits);

Then configure the controller FruitController.php file located in Controllers folder's Admin sub-folder as below:


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Admin;

use App\Base\Controllers\AdminController;
use App\Fruit;
use App\Http\Controllers\Api\DataTables\FruitDataTable;
use App\Http\Requests\Admin\FruitRequest;

class FruitController extends AdminController
    public function index(FruitDataTable $dataTable)
        return $dataTable->render($this->viewPath());

    public function store(FruitRequest $request)
        return $this->createFlashRedirect(Fruit::class, $request);

    public function show(Fruit $fruit)
        return $this->viewPath("show", $fruit);

    public function edit(Fruit $fruit)
        return $this->getForm($fruit);

    public function update(Fruit $fruit, FruitRequest $request)
        return $this->saveFlashRedirect($fruit, $request);

    public function destroy(Fruit $fruit)
        return $this->destroyFlashRedirect($fruit);

Open your FruitRequest.php file within Requests/Admin folder and configure it as below or how you wish, put some validation.


namespace App\Http\Requests\Admin;

use App\Http\Requests\Request;

class FruitRequest extends Request {

    public function authorize()
        return true;

    public function rules()
        return [
            'content' => 'required',
            'language_id' => 'required|integer',
            'title' => 'required|min:3'

Then open your FruitsForm.php file located in app/Forms folder and configure it.


namespace App\Forms\Admin;

use App\Base\Forms\AdminForm;

class FruitsForm extends AdminForm
    public function buildForm()
            ->add('language_id', 'choice', [
                'choices' => $this->data,
                'label' => trans('admin.fields.fruit.language_id')
            ->add('title', 'text', [
                'label' => trans('admin.fields.fruit.title')
            ->add('content', 'textarea', [
                'label' => trans('admin.fields.fruit.content')

Finally, create the fruits folder within resources/views/admin and create the views.

create.blade.php and edit.blade.php file as below:


    {!! form($form) !!}

index.blade.php file as below:


    @include('partials.admin.datatable', ['dataTable' => $dataTable, 'buttons' => true])

show.blade.php file as below:

    <div class="col-xs-12 no-padding">
        <div class="post-title pull-left">
            <h1> {{ $object->title }} </h1>
    <p>{!! $object->content !!}</p>

Add the fruit routes, to routes.php file.

Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin', 'namespace' => 'Admin', 'middleware' => 'admin'], function () {
    Route::resource('fruit', 'FruitController');

Open the RouteServiceProvider.php file located in Providers folder and bind the fruit model.

$router->model('fruit', 'App\Fruit');

Finally, add the Fruit resource to our menu. To do that, open the MakeMenu middleware located in Http/Middleware folder and configure it as below.

$fruits = $menu->add(trans('admin.menu.fruit.root'), '#')

$fruits->add(trans('admin.menu.fruit.add'), ['route' => 'admin.fruit.create'])

$fruits->add(trans('admin.menu.fruit.all'), ['route' => 'admin.fruit.index'])

Now you have your fruit resource that can be manageable within your admin panel.

How to Deploy

I have showed all the required steps in detail for a deployment with Git and Capistrano from scratch on my blog. You can check it on: http://burakozdemir.co.uk/article/deploying-laravel-projects-with-git-and-capistrano-to-nginx-server


Index Single post Admin login Admin dashboard Admin dashboard worldmap Admin datatables Admin nested sets Admin settings


Kendi blogumda detaylı olarak bu uygulamayı kurulumundan, sunucuya aktarımına kadar, baştan sona nasıl geliştirdiğimi detaylı olarak anlattım, alttaki linklerden sırasıyla bunlara ulaşabilirsiniz.

  1. Laravel 5 ile CMS - Kurulum
  2. Laravel 5 ile CMS - Migration, Seed, Middleware, Elixir, Bower, Gulp, Blade
  3. Laravel 5 ile CMS - Controller, Model, Request, Provider, Form
  4. Laravel 5 ile CMS - WYSIWYG Filemanager, Çoklu Dil, Google Analitik API
  5. Laravel 5 ile CMS - Events, Email ve Frontend
  6. Laravel 5 ile CMS - FTP veya SSH ile Aktarım (Deployment)


This is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license