- 4
- 1
Email input skips ‘.’
#40 opened by BruceWheaton - 5
PagingTable, bottom page number button and input text is not working as expected
#38 opened by DreamerIn - 3
Not working in next.js
#36 opened by quorth0n - 0
Broken on IE 11
#35 opened - 1
Extra icon with PasswordInput control
#34 opened by nnurmano - 5
- 0
How to remove style?
#30 opened by whilemouse - 2
Documentation is dead
#29 opened by blur50 - 0
DateInput displays invalid date string
#28 opened by dandelany - 3
CommonJS Exports for Jest?
#27 opened by krewllobster - 4
Grommer Controls website is broken
#26 opened by dhfuzari - 2
DateInput: Add locale to textinput
#23 opened by nnurmano - 2
VerticalMenu does NOT re-render when we add a widget in an existing item
#24 opened by julienbachmann - 3
- 0
- 0
The PasswordInput component do not change to the hidden icon when is type password
#20 opened by vensauro - 0
TextAreaField can not fill area
#17 opened by radojko - 2
Nav to dead end
#14 opened by juanlanus - 0
- 1
Layout breaks at ridiculously narrow width
#15 opened by juanlanus - 11
Can't enter a number with fractional parts
#5 opened by nnurmano - 1
Form onSubmit affects all the Form components
#13 opened by LuisBrime - 1
the nextjs website is down
#10 opened by bingomanatee - 1
- 1
- 2
- 2
- 3
Error after an install and trying to use
#4 opened by nnurmano - 4