A jQuery plugin that does stuff when the matched elements are visible (as inside the viewport)
The plugin works something like this:
container: window,
direction: 'vertical',
doIn: function() {
// Do something to the matched elements as they come in
doOut: function() {
// Do something to the matched elements as they get off scren
tolerance: 0,
throttle: 50,
toggleClass: 'onScreen',
lazyAttr: null,
lazyPlaceholder: 'someImage.jpg',
debug: false
You can checkout the demos here. And you can download them here.
. Tells onScreen() to track elements inside a scrollable element.
default: window
(without quotes)
. Tells the plugin to work in horizontal
or vertical
default: vertical
. Is executed whenever the matched elements enter the viewport.
default: null
. Is executed whenever the matched elements leave the viewport.
default: null
. The doIn()
method will be executed when the matched element is N
pixels inside the viewport.
. Throttle delay. Throttles calculation callback, so it will executed no more than specified delay ms.
default: null
. Tells the plugin to add a specified class when the elements enter the viewport and remove it when they leave.
default: null
. onScreen will look for this attribute on <img>
tags and replace the src
attribute with this one's.
default: null
. Image to display while loading. This is applied through CSS as the background of the matched elements.
default: A base64 encoded gif file.
. Spams your console with information about the matched elements and the scroll container.
default: false