
Back-end app that allows user to search songs using Spotify API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. App is trying to solve the problem of retrieving information from servers using multiple apis and returning user input values.
  2. the app is organized as such: a. apis as variables and keys. b. band javascript function to return user input. c. spotify javascript to return user input. d. movie javascript to return user input. e. what-does-it-say: to return information inside the random.txt file.
  3. Instructions to run app: a. User inputs values they want to obtain within the javascript code. b. user runs node of file in terminal to retrieve data from api.
  4. Screenshots: google drive link
  5. Deployed Link: https://ataranto320.github.io/liri-node-app/
  6. Technologies used: a. Spotify API. b. Axois API (OMDB and Bands in Town). c. Moment - A lightweight JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates. d. DotEnv - Dotenv is a zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env. Storing configuration in the environment separate from code is based on The Twelve-Factor App methodology. e. keys - keycode library for browser. Makes keybound event assertions simple. f. fs - make file operation apis simple.
  7. My role was the web developer whom wrote the code to allow users to find information for their input.

Instructions Beforehand:

  • run npm init -y

  • run npm i node-spotify-api

  • run npm i axios

  • run npm i moment

  • run npm i dotenv

  • run npm i fs

  • In terminal, type: node liri input function (ex. spotify-this-song) and user input (song of user's choice)

    Example: node liri spotify-this-song september


  • JavaScript