iOS Engineering Internship - Summer 2019

My Project

Teladoc is a telemedicine company that provides quality, on-demand, remote medical consultations via phone, and videoconferencing. I interned at Teladoc this past summer as an iOS developer on the mobile team. I spent approximately 85% of my time writing Swift code, and 15% of my time writing Objective-C code.

Over the course of my internship, I worked to enhance and develop new features for the “Provider App” - an app that allows doctors to schedule and conduct remote appointments from their iOS devices. Specifically, I worked with my team to both implement a “future availability scheduler” for internists and psychiatrists, and to integrate a new video system in the iOS app. I also worked on various other projects with my team involving RestKit and Core Data.

Independently, I built out the “Sandbox Consultation Tool,” a new “demo mode” of a Teladoc appointment from the doctor’s perspective. This new tool provides doctors with a simulated consult experience in which they can practice conducting medical appointments remotely. Attractive buttons, colored popup messages, engaging sounds, and friendly animations guide the doctors through the entire demo consult. I designed all these components in Sketch, prototyped with InVision, and then implemented them with Core Graphics, Core Animation, Spring, and Hero. This tool is built entirely in Swift and currently supports general medical, dermatology, and psychiatry demo appointments. It has gone into production and can be found in the settings section of the Provider app. This repository contains a screen recording and slideshow with more information about this project.


I was fortunate to have a fantastic manager and teammates who allowed me to truly integrate into the team and push real code into production this summer. Thank you all for giving me a great experience and helping me learn and grow as a developer.

This project is shared with permission from Teladoc. Code cannot be shared 😊