
some helpful scripts (Python or Shell) for Enigma2

Primary LanguageShell

Simple scripts for Enigma 2, focused on OpenATV and OpenPLi.

  • LGTV-RS232 directory

    • switching On and Off the LG TV via RS-232 interface
  • softcam

    • OSCam startup bash script '/etc/init.d/softcam' for Enigma2 based set-top-box
    • it also records its activity to a temporary LOG-file
    • more info can be found in the script
    • if you need to use this script for CCCam, please use the following 'sed' command:
        sed -i -e 's/oscam/cccam/I' -e 's/OSCam/CCCam/I' -e 's/-b -r 2 -c/-C/I' /etc/init.d/softcam
  • make_ipk_by_s3n0_for_ProjectXYZ.py

    • IPK creation tool for Enigma2, debugged and tested on OpenATV
  • oscam-picons-converter.py

    • simple script to convert PNG picons to TPL picons - for the needs of Oscam Webif (Oscam WebGUI)
    • TPL picon names are determined by srvid or srvid2 databases
  • epg_refresh.py

    • simple python script for Enigma2 based set-top-box, for refresh EPG data on all DVB channels
    • the script will find all the necessary transponders what you need to zapping
    • transponders are selected from the userbouquet and zap only once
    • the best way to use EPG refresh is to add a new task to the CRON scheduler ... be sure to set the file attributes (chmod 755 /usr/script/epg_refresh.py) ... for example, to run the python script every 2th day at 03:00, as the background process, use the following line:
        00 03 */2 * *      /usr/bin/python /usr/script/epg_refresh.py > /dev/null 2>&1
  • backrest

    • simple bash script for backing up and restoring user-defined settings, files or folders in Enigma2
    • disadvantage is the need to manually edit this script after each new feature is added to your Enigma (plugins, binary files, scripts, etc.) for full backup or restore
  • picons-downloader.sh

    • simple bash script for download & extract picons from Google-Drive server, which are compressed with 7zip (i.e. 7zip archivator is required)
  • oscam-new-version-updater.sh

    • script checks if there is a newer version on the internet and if so, updates the binary file extracted from the downloaded IPK package
    • 7zip archiver is required since 'ar' tool is a problematic ('ar' is part of the limited BusyBox in most cases) when splitting files from IPK packages
  • bouquetx.sh

    • shell script to download userbouquet file from internet and overwrite local userbouquet file, but only if there is a change in the file (tested for file content differences)
    • script is based on regular reloading of services using OpenWebif interface (i.e. mode 0 and also mode 4)