****************************** This fork openpliPC project by nobody9 ****************************** December, 2012 nobody9 thread discussion: http://openpli.org/forums/topic/20871-build-script-for-openpli-enigma2-on-ubuntu-104-32-bit/ ------------------------------ Tested on platforms x32 and x64 ------------------------------ Ubuntu 12.04, 12.10, 14.04, 14.10 Nvidia cards with VDPAU support (driver 'nvidia') Ubuntu 14.04, 14.10 AMD HD Graphics cards with UVD 2.2+ support (open driver 'radeon', 'mesa 10.3+') ------------------------------ BUILDING openpliPC ------------------------------ 1a) download openpliPC git repo as local user (not root): git clone https://github.com/milaebrothers/enigma2pc.git cd enigma2pc/ - OR - 1b) Keep in sync previously cloned git repo: cd enigma2pc/ git pull https://github.com/milaebrothers/enigma2pc.git 2) Building needed openpliPC enigma2 libraries: It download, build and install all needed libraries Some tasks require root access (sudo). You will be asked for your password. This task must be run ONCE at the first time. These libs are compiled from its original sources and aren't patched anyway. ./build_libs.sh If you are interested to have a logfile , simply do: ./build_libs.sh 2>&1 | tee build_libs.log 3) Build Xine-lib and openpliPC Enigma2: It compile and install xine-lib and the openpliPC Enigma2. xine-lib and enigma2 are included in openpliPC main repo and code is already patched ready to compile. Some tasks require root access (sudo). You will be asked for your password. (When use AMD HD Graphics with UVD 2.2+ need install open driver 'radeon' and packages 'mesa-vdpau-drivers','vdpau-va-driver') ./build_openpliPC.sh If you are interested to have a logfile , simply do: ./build_openpliPC.sh 2>&1 | tee build_log.log ./build_openpliPC.sh has some command-line options ./build_openpliPC.sh -h to see them 4) Build oscam: (only for testing and learning) Some tasks require root access (sudo). You will be asked for your password. ./build_oscam.sh If you are interested to have a logfile , simply do: ./build_oscam.sh 2>&1 | tee build_oscam.log Config files location in the directory - /etc/vdr/oscam 5) Build plugins and skins for Enigma2: ./build_plugins.sh 6) See additional scripts in the directory enigma2pc/scripts/ First start the script dvb_my.sh - loading module dvbsoftwareca.ko, create symlinks for dvb adapters, start oscam Two start the script autostart.sh - launch enigma2 ------------------------------ Where is Enigma2 ? ------------------------------ Enigma2 will be installed in /usr/local/e2/ (see build_openpliPC.sh $INSTALL_E2DIR ) Example configs in /usr/local/e2/etc/enigma2/ The hole /proc/stb directory are located at /usr/local/e2/etc/stb/ ------------------------------ Run enigma2 ------------------------------ Enigma2 requires to be launched as root user: sudo /usr/local/e2/bin/enigma2 If you are inside openpliPC/ simply do: sudo ./e2bin If you are concerned about security, build and run Enigma2 in a Virtual Machine ------------------------------ Informations ------------------------------ 1) with xine_vdpau I get osd, video (SD and HD) and sound, with xine_xshm I get video (SD and HD) and sound , with xine_sdl I get only video (SD and HD) in size 720x576 they don´t scale and sound. VDPAU has the best results but it's only available with Nvidia graphics cards VDPAU library use Nvidia GPU as MPEG2/4 hardware coprocessor speeding up decode process http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VDPAU http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nvidia_PureVideo http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Unified_Video_Decoder&stable=1 Here you can find a message about VDPAU benchmark and performance: http://openpli.org/forums/topic/20871-build-script-for-openpli-enigma2-on-ubuntu-104-32-bit/page__view__findpost__p__239696 not all Nvidia cards are able to play HD video using VDPAU 2) Some remote control keys are remapped to local PC keyboard RED -> F1 GREEN -> F2 YELLOW -> F3 BLUE -> F4 VOL UP -> + (numeric pad) or + VOL DOWN -> - (numeric pad) or - NEXT CHANN. -> ARROW DOWN PREV CHANN. -> ARROW UP NEXT BOUQUET -> PAGE DOWN PREV BOUQUET -> PAGE UP EXIT -> ESC MENU -> SPACE INFO -> I or F5 OK -> ENTER EPG -> E or F6 POWER -> F10 RECORD -> R TV -> T VIDEO -> V AUDIO -> A RADIO -> D MUTE -> M TIMESHIFT -> P QUIT ENIGMA2 -> X FULL SCREEN MODE -> F11 For native lirc support edit the file $INSTALL_E2DIR/etc/enigma2/remote.conf (see build_openpliPC.sh $INSTALL_E2DIR ) Right format file: Lirc_key=Enigma2_key Example remote.conf for Remote MCE (mceusb): Up=KEY_UP Down=KEY_DOWN Right=KEY_RIGHT Left=KEY_LEFT OK=KEY_OK Back=KEY_ESC Guide=KEY_MENU Pause=KEY_AUDIO Mute=KEY_MUTE RecTV=KEY_VIDEO LiveTV=KEY_TV Star=KEY_RED Clear=KEY_GREEN Enter=KEY_YELLOW Hash=KEY_BLUE Play=KEY_PLAYPAUSE CTRL_KEY_S=KEY_STOP Replay=KEY_PREVIOUS Skip=KEY_NEXT Record=KEY_RECORD Rewind=KEY_PREVIOUSSONG Forward=KEY_NEXTSONG ChanDown=KEY_CHANNELDOWN ChanUp=KEY_CHANNELUP More=KEY_INFO One=KEY_1 Two=KEY_2 Three=KEY_3 Four=KEY_4 Five=KEY_5 Six=KEY_6 Seven=KEY_7 Eight=KEY_8 Nine=KEY_9 Zero=KEY_0 DVD=KEY_EXIT VolUp=KEY_VOLUMEUP VolDown=KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 3) Default NIM is configured in /usr/local/e2/etc/tuxbox/nim_sockets NIM Socket 0: Type: DVB-S2 Name: VTUNER Has_Outputs: no Frontend_Device: 0 If you want to change or add NIM, you must edit nim_sockets file. Example: to change from DVB-S2 to DVB-T NIM, change "Type" as below NIM Socket 0: Type: DVB-T Name: VTUNER Has_Outputs: no Frontend_Device: 0 Example two DVB-S(S2,T) cards with one frontend: NIM Socket 0: Type: DVB-S2 Name: VTUNER Has_Outputs: no Frontend_Device: 0 NIM Socket 1: Type: DVB-S2 Name: VTUNER Has_Outputs: no Frontend_Device: 1 4) Adding systemplugins, extensions or skins put systemplugins in /usr/local/e2/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins put extensions in /usr/local/e2/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions put skin in /usr/local/e2/share/enigma2 5) In order to record a movie you must create the /hdd/movies directory or use a symbolic link i.e. sudo ln -s /my/movie/archive /hdd sudo mkdir /hdd/movies 6) /usr/local/e2/share/enigma2/xine.conf has many options about video and audio control take a look into it 7) Using vtuner http://code.google.com/p/vtuner/ user can share his tuner over network connection. It's a client/server software. Server must be installed where you have a tuner (i.e. your STB like CT9x00 , DM800 ..) and client must be installed where you have not the physical tuner (i.e. PC) Some external ref: Guide for vtunerc client http://wiki.nessiedvb.org/wiki/doku.php?id=install_vtunerc http://openpli.org/forums/topic/20871-build-script-for-openpli-enigma2-on-ubuntu-104-32-bit/page__view__findpost__p__238841 ) http://openpli.org/forums/topic/20871-build-script-for-openpli-enigma2-on-ubuntu-104-32-bit/page__view__findpost__p__239211 8) For looking TS-files downloading from internet or recordings (VDR) use script e2pc_tslook.ts in the directory scripts. Start script in the directory with TS-files or change variable DIR_TS and wait while script create meta-files for TS-files. When launch 'e2pc_tslook.ts meta' or 'e2pc_tslook.ts start' create meta-files for enigma2pc When launch 'e2pc_tslook.ts clear' or 'e2pc_tslook.ts stop' remove meta-files Also change AUDIO_LANG='your_launguage' ------------------------------ Thanks to ------------------------------ Cougar for porting Enigma2 to Enigma2PC. nobody9 and betacentauri the further progress of the project. kanber_kav implement a Mediaplayer in Enigma2PC over xinelib without gstreamer and implement subtitles. buyukbang for testing. ambrosa for testing, cosmethic changes of the scripts, docs. Raider05 for developing and keeping update the project in this last years