- adia@nkua @gunet @GrandComicsDatabase
- alanmulhallLos Angeles
- BraveatomLondon
- browniefedCode Daily
- capioc
- dfcarpenter@microsoft
- eduardostalinho@adjust
- eobodo
- frank-dspeed@direktspeed
- Games-Objects-and-Rules
- hartcaRemote
- javiergarmon
- joffilyfeSão Paulo, Brazil
- jsveron23WePair
- juhaelee
- kflDepartment of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen @diku-dk
- kitavrus
- laerciovacca
- lilac
- lucascebertin180º Insurance
- maciejjankowskiPoland
- merinix
- mhowell07
- minbot
- ngocphuongnb
- nick-hoangCode Brewery
- rubyonme
- shlomiatarSmore
- stefaneyr
- stelabourasHorizon Video Technologies
- svg153@pezaio
- timsaysheyMissouri
- tknine
- tydira
- WolfGeeN
- yurypro