
Expose react internals for E2E testing

Primary LanguageJavaScript

E2E Testing for React Apps

Retractor exposes the internals of a React application for end-to-end testing purposes. This allows you to select DOM nodes based on the name of the React Component that rendered the node as well as its state or properties.

A retractor is a surgical instrument with which a surgeon can either actively separate the edges of a surgical incision or wound, or can hold back underlying organs and tissues, so that body parts under the incision may be accessed. – Wikipedia



npm install --save retractor


Retractor consists out of two parts - a client and a query DSL. The client needs to be integrated in your React App (System Under Test (SUT)) to expose its internal component structure. The query DSL provides a JSX based query language to located the DOM Nodes of your React components with selenium-webdriver locators.

Retractor Client

To setup the client module you must load Retractor before React gets loaded. Internally it uses the React Dev-Tools hooks to expose the rendered component tree of your application.

In a webpack based setup use the entry setting to inject Retractor before your application entry:

module.exports = {
  entry: [
    './index' //your application entry
  output: {},
  plugins: [],
  module: {
    loaders: []

Retractor Query DSL

Once the Retractor client module is integrated in your React Application you can easily use the query DSL in combination with selenium-webdriver locators to resolve the DOM Nodes of your components:

/* eslint-env mocha */

import React from 'react'
import {one} from 'retractor'
import expect from 'unexpected'
import webdriver from 'selenium-webdriver'

import TodoItem from '../components/TodoItem'

describe('Retractor E2E testing', function() {

  let driver

  before(function() {
    driver = new webdriver.Builder()

  it('query components', function() {

    const el = driver.findElement(one(
      <TodoItem todo={{ text: 'Use retractor' }} />

    return expect(el, 'when fulfilled', 'to be a', webdriver.WebElement)



Once the Retractor client gets loaded, it exposes a global __retractor instance with the following API.

  • findAllComponents(name? : String, filter? : Object) : Array<Component>

  • findOneComponent(name? : String, filter? : Object) : Array<Component>

  • findAllDOMNodes(name? : String, filter? : Object) : Array<Element>

  • findOneDOMNode(name? : String, filter? : Object) : Array<Element>


name : String

Optional name of the component to resolve. If null, all available Component types will be resolved.

filter : Object

Optional filter criteria, to filter components with a specific state or props, i.e.:

- {props : {todo : {id : 123}}}
- {props : {todo : {id : 456}}, state : {showItem : true}}

The filtering is based on the deep-match library which also supports regular expressions for filtering.

Query DSL