- 1
Hanshow nebular 350R-N
#56 opened by MaWoe - 0
Driving an imagotag gu111 9.7 bwr
#60 opened by madagaga - 0
watchdog got triggered - reboot
#54 opened by slimline33 - 3
Compilation ESP32_Async_PlatformIO in arduino
#59 opened by torx80 - 8
Custom_PriceTag_AccesPoint w/ 915MHz Chroma in US
#52 opened by combs - 0
Solum 2.9'' w CC2630
#57 opened by mattcalavera - 44
- 1
Aktivierung auf 868, pulsen auf 915 Mhz
#53 opened by slimline33 - 3
Send loop breaks - slot gets stuck
#51 opened by Hades32 - 4
- 15
- 6
- 0
Recover button doesn't work
#45 opened by joelhaasnoot - 5
License missing
#47 opened by Hades32 - 2
Can't get interrupts to work
#46 opened by skiphansen - 2
900MHz version of the Chroma 74
#43 opened by chaseadam - 11
- 2
- 10
Boot loop crash after trying to send a bmp
#7 opened by fearthis4 - 5
Chroma29 unpredictable behaviour
#15 opened by jruys - 2
Getting WakeUp during activation / resync counter
#37 opened by xsrf - 3
- 5
Garbled responses for some commands
#33 opened by probonopd - 3
Crash when sending default text
#34 opened by probonopd - 2
Use more standard bit rate for RFV3
#31 opened by probonopd - 4
Always says "display: 0"
#29 opened by probonopd - 1
Idea: MQTT publish/subscribe
#30 opened by probonopd - 1
Rotate BMPs automatically if needed
#26 opened by probonopd - 4
Build using native Arduino toolkit fails
#24 opened by jruys - 7
Clarify save_settings
#23 opened by probonopd - 2
Do not hardcode the WLAN credentials
#20 opened by probonopd - 2
ESP32 Access Point wiring
#17 opened by probonopd - 1
Where to buy?
#16 opened by probonopd - 1
- 3
Stuck Chroma29 - suggestions?
#8 opened by jruys - 4
- 1
Command 0x1b (RfStats)
#4 opened by xsrf - 2
Any information on Testpads on the ZBD 50c?
#3 opened by xsrf