
A Neovim dark color scheme based on Oil 6

Primary LanguageFennelMIT LicenseMIT

🛢️ Oil 8

Oil 8 is a GUI-only dark color scheme for Neovim that was mainly based on the Oil 6 color palette. Other color schemes inspirations includes Sopa de Mamaco, Catppuccin and Bubblegum.

⚠️ Requirements

Oil 8 only requires the 'background' option set to dark.

✨ Features

🚀 Usage

To load the color scheme with its default configuration, use the traditional :colorscheme command, as shown below.

:colorscheme oil-8

To load the color scheme with custom configuration, use the setup function, as exemplified in the following Lua code snippet.

  -- Terminal color support is disabled by default. Set it to `true` to
  -- enable.
  terminal_colors = false,

  -- By default, most plugins have integration enabled. To disable all plugin
  -- integration, set the `integration` field to `false`.
  integration = {
    neo_tree = false, -- Disables integration for Neo-tree.
    treesitter = true, -- Ensures integration for nvim-treesitter.
    mini = false, -- Disables all integration for Mini plugins.

  -- Set or override highlight groups.
  custom_highlights = function(palette)
    return {
      Conditional = {fg = palette.persian_pink},
      MyHighlightGroup = {fg = palette.inchworm, bold = true},

🧩 Integration

Oil 8 provides seamlessly theme integration for other plugins of the Neovim's ecosystem. The integration is configured via the integration field of the configuration table that may be passed as argument for the setup function.

The supported plugins are listed below.


The following subsections cover each module/submodule composing the Lua API of Oil 8.


Table serving as the main module for this plugin.


Function for loading the color scheme according to optional ?config or their defaults. If no ?config would be passed to this function, it's recommended to use :colorscheme oil-8 instead.

The documentation for ?config can be found here.


Table serving as the module containing all the colors used by this color scheme. Each key stands for the color name, with its corresponding value being a string representing a hex triplet for the color.

The comprehensive list of the colors can be found here.

🔧 Configuration

Oil 8 is configured via the configuration table passed as argument to the setup function. The fields of that table are listed and explained below.


Function that takes a palette table and returns a key-value table where each key stands for the name of the group to be highlighted, and its corresponding value is a table as specified for the val parameter of nvim_set_hl().

This function may be used for setting other highlight groups, or for overriding existing ones previously set by Oil 8. The following code snippet exemplifies how to use it.

  custom_highlights = function(palette)
    return {
      NeoTreeWinSeparator = {link = 'WinSeparator'}
      WinSeparator = {fg = palette.eerie_black, bg = palette.dark_gunmetal},


Key-value table controlling which (and how) plugins should be integrated by Oil 8. Each key represents the plugin name in snake case, with the corresponding value typically being a boolean enabling/disabling the integration for that plugin.

Setting the integration field to false will completely disable plugin integration functionality.

In most cases, plugin integration consists of setting highlight groups specific to the plugin's functionality.

The keys of the integration table (i.e., the plugins supported by Oil 8), and their corresponding values are listed below.


Boolean controlling whether to enable integration for Illuminate. By default, this plugin is integrated by Oil 8.


Boolean controlling whether to enable integration for Indent Blankline. By default, this plugin is integrated by Oil 8.


Boolean controlling whether to enable integration for Leap. By default, this plugin is integrated by Oil 8.


Key-value table controlling Mini modules that should be integrated by Oil 8. Setting the integration.mini field to false will completely disable plugin integration functionality for Mini.


Boolean controlling whether to enable integration for Indentscope. By default, this plugin is integrated by Oil 8.


Boolean controlling whether to enable integration for Neo-tree. By default, this plugin is integrated by Oil 8.


Boolean controlling whether to enable integration for nvim-treesitter. By default, this plugin is integrated by Oil 8.


Boolean controlling whether Oil 8 should set terminal color variables. By default, it's set to false.

🎨 Palette

Name Hex HSL L*a*b*
eerie_black #171629 243 30 12 8 6 -12
dark_gunmetal #1c1b34 242 31 15 11 8 -16
space_cadet #292449 248 33 21 16 13 -22
cyber_grape #5f4c73 269 20 37 35 16 -19
antique_fuchsia #8c607b 323 18 46 46 22 -7
burnished_brown #a77d72 12 23 55 56 14 12
ecru #bdab87 40 29 63 70 0 20
bone #e1e0c4 57 32 82 88 -4 13
caput_mortuum #622d2d 0 37 28 25 23 11
english_red #aa3c55 346 47 45 41 47 9
brink_pink #f35e7c 347 86 66 60 59 13
tulip #fe7c8d 352 98 74 67 50 14
dark_lava #4b3a30 22 21 24 25 5 9
dirty_brown #b25c1f 24 70 40 48 30 48
big_foot_feet #f38f5e 19 86 66 69 33 42
macaroni_and_cheese #fab98a 25 91 76 80 17 33
bronze_yellow #606c09 67 84 22 43 -16 46
acid_green #bbbd28 60 65 44 74 -17 68
chinese_green #d4e05c 65 68 61 86 -21 61
inchworm #bcec6a 82 77 67 87 -35 57
kombu_green #31452b 106 23 21 26 -13 13
green_ryb #4eb332 106 56 44 65 -52 54
mantis #72db5e 110 63 61 79 -53 51
medium_aquamarine #6ceaa7 148 75 67 84 -50 22
brunswick_green #1b5c4d 166 54 23 34 -24 2
jungle_green #2d9f84 165 55 40 58 -38 5
turquoise #58e9ca 167 76 62 84 -45 3
middle_blue #84cfdd 189 56 69 78 -19 -14
ateneo_blue #367ba6 203 50 43 49 -7 -29
steel_blue #024c67 196 96 20 29 -9 -21
blue_jeans #54b7e8 199 76 61 70 -14 -33
baby_blue_eyes #a4b6fe 228 97 81 75 10 -37
pixie_powder #3e2187 257 60 32 23 39 -52
blue_pigment #413aa1 244 47 42 31 33 -55
violets_are_blue #966ef2 258 83 69 56 44 -61
mauve #dd9ffe 278 98 80 74 39 -38
japanese_violet #592a5f 293 38 26 25 30 -22
byzantine #b22ab7 297 62 44 45 66 -45
light_deep_pink #e557cd 310 73 61 59 68 -33
light_deep_pink #fc83c5 327 95 75 70 53 -13