
Gucamole-trigger is a plugin for guacamole that makes it possible to start and stop you remote desktop on demand. You can wright you own scripts that fits your environment.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Gucamole-trigger is a plugin for guacamole that makes it possible to start and stop you remote desktop on demand. You can write you own scripts that fits your environment.

Some Examples are include for docker and google_cloud_platform.

This plugin also provides a way to stop remote desktops that are idle.


How it works

With this plugin you can define a start-command and stop-command. Guacamole makes it possible for plugins to listen to the creation and closing of connections. Based on this a start or stop command is trigged.

automatic start

If Guacamole tries to connect to a remote desktop this plugin will check if that remote desktop is running and will run start-command if that is not the case.

automatic stop

This plugin tracks how many connections there are to each host/remote desktop. If the last connection is closed Guacamole will run the stop command for that host.

This plugin can also track if a user is using Guacamole, and can close connection if the user has not moved the mouse ore used the keyboard for disconnect-time So the stop command is, run even when the user has Guacamole open in the background for a long time.

There are some limitation with automatic stop:

  • This plugin only know about Guacamole connections. So it might stop machines your are still using via another method.
  • This plugin only stop machines when connection count changes to 0, not when the count is already 0. So it wont stop machines that have not been connected to Guacamole
  • Connection count is stored in memory.
    • If you restart Guacamole it will lose track of which hosts are still running.
    • You cant run guacamole trigger in HA setup, were multiple guacamole instances connect to the same machines.
  • This plugin will distinguish hosts by their hostname field in de connection config. If you refer to the same host with multiple names in de connection config, then Guacamole can't track the connection count correctly

If this is a problem, you can only use automatic start. Then you must configure the hosts to automatically shutdown, after noone has been logged in for a while.


Download pluging from release

Or compile this plug-in in with maven:

mvn package

And copy guacamole-trigger-<version>.jar to your GUACAMOLE_HOME/extensions directory.


Configuration is done via by modifying guacamole.properties file. Example Configuration can be found here You can set:

  • start-command: Shell command to run for start. This line will be run by /bin/sh in UNIX systems. Your working directory will GUACAMOLE_HOME.

    • $hostname will be replaced by host you are connection to
    • guacamoleUsername is replaced by which Guacamole user is trying to connect

    For example: start-command: start.sh $hostname

  • stop-command: Shell command to run for start. This line will be run by /bin/sh in UNIX systems. Your working directory will GUACAMOLE_HOME.

    • $hostname will be replaced by host you are connection to
    • guacamoleUsername is replaced by which Guacamole user is trying to connect

    For example: start-command: stop.sh $hostname.

  • shutdown-delay: Time in seconds to wait after closing last connection before running stop command. This is needed for cases where disconnects are immediately followed by a try to reconnect.

    default 300

  • disconnect-time: Time in seconds for how long a user can be idle after which the connection will be closed. If set to 0 connection won't be closed.

    default: 0

  • idle-time: Time in seconds for how long a user can be idle after which user gets a warning that he will be disconnected if he stays idle.

    default: 0

  • command-timeout: Time in seconds for how long a start/stop command can run before it's killed. To make sure every command terminates eventually.

    default: 300

Writing start/stop commands

There are a couple of things you need to consider when writing start and stop commands:

  • The output of your command will be displayed to the user that triggers the start command.
  • exit status codes of your command are used to determine the succes of the command. For now only a warning is printed in the logs of Guacamole if this is non zero.
  • the time the commands take to run is the time that the plugin assumes it takes to start/stop the host.
    • If your command exits before the guacd could connect, the user gets an error message that no connection could be made. You could add a sleep statement to prevent this.
    • It's fine if your command is still running when guacd connects. But if it takes longer then command-timeout you will get a warning in the Guacamole logs