
The node request module over Tor

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This module works like the normal request module for node from mikeal, but call it's request over a socks5-proxy. This module is able to fetch onion-domains.



At first you need to have a working TOR service on your machine.

For example you can install TOR on a Debian system like this:

apt-get install tor tor-geoipdb

Installation with node

Install the package over the npm package-manager:

npm install torrequest


You can use this module like the request module. Please see the readme of request for further informations.

Socks5 typical parameters

There are two optional parameters specially introduced for the tor settings: torHost and torPort. Normally this module use the standard localhost:9050.

Example with custom host and port.

var torRequest = require("torrequest");

  uri: "http://example.org",
  torHost: "my-host-or-ip",
  torPort: 9050
}, function(err,res,doc){
  if(err) return console.log("Error: "+err);
  console.log("Document fetched successfully...");