
Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Step by Step

  • Spin up zookeeper instances with docker-compose up
  • Bash into a container instace like docker exec -it decentralized-chat-zoo1-1 bash
  • Inside this container run ./bin/zkCli.sh -server zoo1:2181 to run the client
  • On the client create the 3 initial nodes users, channels and conn like create /users 0 for the users node
  • On the root directory of the program run make to compile it
  • Run instances of the chat like ./bin/client -username=<username> -port<port>, make sure to have unique usernames and ports for each instance you run


To issue a chat command you must first precede it by using the dollar sign like so $command <params>. The chat client has commands to list, create, join and disconnect from a channel, those are:

  • $list: list all channels
  • $create <channel-name>: creates a new channel
  • $join <channel-name>: joins and connects to all peers inside a channel
  • $leave: leaves the current channel

Sending Messages

To send messages to other peers inside a channel you must first join a channel. By not preceding your input with the dollar sign you will broadcast your input to all available peers inside you channel