
Admin Interface for Gegocart - Built with Laravel

Primary LanguagePHP

GegoCart - Multi Vendor Shopping Cart based on Laravel Framework and NUXT JS For complete feature list, preset-demo & support, check https://gegocart.com

GegoCart - Multi-Vendor Shopping Cart

The software includes the following

Installation of the Admin Laravel App

Pull the code from Repo

	 git clone git@gitlab.com:Gego-cart/admin-app.git admin-app

Composer Install

	 $ composer install 

Install NPM packages

	 $ npm install 

Duplicate the env.example file to .env and set the Database. Install the Gego-Cart with Test Install. It will install the software and run the seeder.

	 $ bash testinstall.sh

Using Postman Colletcion

There is a postman collection in the root folder. Use that for your development works.
