
The simplest browser-based notes app ever. Just start typing - then do whatever you want! Open Source, add more keys/sources as needed.

Primary LanguagePHP


This is a simple, browser-based means of creating and storing Notes. We believe that a user should be able to start recording their thoughts and ideas with a minimal amount of interaction. With this application, you can start creating notes instantly, and worry about what you need it for later on.

Core Features

Current Features

  • Create a note
  • View all notes
  • Edit notes
  • Make notes public/private

Desired Features

  • Group editing / invite others to edit. Should be implemented using APIs such as Google's document collaboration APIs.


Current Extensions

  • Google Doc: turn any note into a google doc (in development)

    • Sync a google account
    • command + g => choose an account => receive back link to the doc. Magic!
  • PDF turn any note into a PDF

Desired Extensions

  • Slack: post notes to Slack (in development)

    • Post a formatted version of a blank slate in slack w/link.
    • Ideally "team" permissions for everyone in your slack org to edit the doc would be pretty interesting
  • To-do lists: markdown lists become interactive to-do lists (would love someone to come up with a good UX around this)

    • Click to cross things off
    • Ideally schedule reminders and other to-do list-y things
  • Blogging: export to various blogging/micro-blogging platforms

    • Wordpress
    • Twitter
    • Tumblr (if possible)


Please submit all issues and pull requests to the tomasienrbc/notes repository!

Set up the project on a local machine

  1. Clone the repo to your local machine with: git clone https://github.com/tomasienrbc/notes.

  2. Install the project's dependencies with php composer.phar install or composer install. If you don't already have composer installed, get it here: https://getcomposer.org/download/

Sometimes installing Laravel is a problem because it requires php-mcrypt and for some reason that doesn't work. Google the problem as it comes up, but often Homebrew can fix it: brew install mcrypt php56-mcrypt

  1. Create your local MySQL database (use MAMP's PHPMyAdmin if you want a shortcut). Make sure the database name, username, and password match the information in app/config/database.php in the "mysql" section

  2. Run the migrations with php artisan migrate. If you want/need database seed data, run php artisan db:seed

  3. Rename the .env.example file to .env and modify or uncomment whichever configuration settings you would like to dynamically control.

  4. Start a local server with php artisan serve or set your MAMP server to serve from the "public" folder and get developing!