React Layouts

React Layouts is an Open Source project that showcases various reactjs UI designs and layouts made using mockups from

Getting Started

To get a copy of the project onto your local environment for development and testing purposes, simply clone the repository as shown below:

git clone 

The above instruction assumes you've set up ssh for your github account, if this assumption is wrong and you're using contemporary https for your github, then clone using the instruction below:

git clone 


You need to install node.js and its package manager npm to get the project up and running. Please install MongoDB if you'd like to run a local database server.


To install the project, change into the directory containing the project:

cd React-Layouts

Install the project dependencies:

yarn install

Create a .env file to contain your environment variables:

touch .env

Open the .env file using your preferred text editor and add the following environemt variables:


After setting up all the above, you should be ready to get your project up and running: