Start up and exit python interpreter

Mac OS

  • Type python3 in Terminal to start
  • Type quit() or exit() to exit


  • Type python in CMD to start
  • Type quit() or exit() to exit

Locate where python is installed on your machine

  • Mac OS
import os
import sys

OR type where python3

  • Windows
import os
import sys

OR type where python

Create and activate virtual environment

  • Windows
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv env --version

# navigate to project folder
cd Documents\GitHub\airflow

# create virtual environment
virtualenv venv_aiflow

# activate virtual environment
cd Documents\airflow\airflow\venv_airflow


create virtual environment using venv and the highest installed python

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

create virtual environment with a particular python version

python3.8 -m venv dbt_env
source dbt_env/bin/activate
python3 --version

create virtual environment using virtualenv

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv --version

# create project folder
cd Documents
mkdir airflow_env
virtualenv airflow_env -p python3

# activate virtual environment
source airflow_env/bin/activate

What if I don't have pip installed?

  • you can use pipx to install virtualenv
# install pipx
python3 -m pip install --user pipx
python3 -m pipx ensurepath
pipx completions

# install virtualenv via pipx
pipx install virtualenv
virtualenv --help
  • You can install pip using
curl -o
  • OR you can install pip via homebrew
    • this is recommended as it is likely you'll need pip for other installations
# install homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

# use brew to install pip and virtualenv
brew install brew-pip
brew install virtualenv

Install different python versions via homebrew

brew install python@3.8
brew install python@3.9
brew install python@3.10

python3 --version
python3.8 --version
python3.9 --version
