A one page personal app written in Sinatra, inspired by the plethora of .me sites such as forrst.me and about.me.
This project was written with the intention of deploying this app to heroku.com, but can be hosted anywhere fine rubies are deployable. If you already have an account on heroku, skip to step 3.
- Sign up for an account on Heroku
- Install the heroku gem:
gem install heroku
- Fork the repository on github.com, and clone it.
- From the app directory, Create the app on heroku:
heroku create appname
Change appname to a value of your choosing. - Deploy the app:
git push heroku master
- Once the deployment completes, set up the database:
heroku rake setup
- Protect your app* settings by setting some Environment variables:
heroku config:add DOTME_USER=username DOTME_PASS=password
- Launch your app in the browser, and complete the setup of your Profile there:
heroku open
*The environment variables aren’t meant to provide much protection, given that they are in plain text. By storing them as an Environment Variables, they will at least not stored in your git repository.