Ruby access to the Mixpanel web analytics tool.
gem install mixpanel_client
or if you use a Gemfile
gem 'mixpanel_client'
require 'rubygems'
require 'mixpanel_client'
client =
api_secret: 'changeme'
timeout: 240 # Default is 60 seconds, increase if you get frequent Net::ReadTimeout errors.
data = client.request(
event: 'splash features',
name: 'feature',
values: '["uno", "dos"]',
type: 'unique',
unit: 'day',
from_date: '2013-12-1',
to_date: '2014-3-1',
limit: 5
puts data.inspect
# The API also supports passing a time interval rather than an explicit date range
data = client.request(
event: 'splash features',
name: 'feature',
values: '["uno", "dos"]',
type: 'unique',
unit: 'day',
interval: 7,
limit: 5
# Use the import API, which allows one to specify a time in the past, unlike the track API.
# note that you need to include your api token in the data. More details at:
data_to_import = {'event' => 'firstLogin', 'properties' => {'distinct_id' => guid, 'time' => time_as_integer_seconds_since_epoch, 'token' => api_token}}
require 'base64' # co-located with the Base64 call below for clarity
encoded_data = Base64.encode64(data_to_import.to_json)
data = client.request('import', {:data => encoded_data, :api_key => api_key})
# data == [1] # => true # you can only import one event at a time
You may also make requests in parallel by passing in the parallel: true
require 'rubygems'
require 'mixpanel_client'
client =
api_secret: 'changeme',
parallel: true
first_request = client.request(
second_request = client.request(
third_request = client.request(
puts first_request.response.handled_response
puts second_request.response.handled_response
puts third_request.response.handled_response
List of rake tasks.
rake -T
Run specs.
rake spec
Run external specs.
cp config/mixpanel.template.yml config/mixpanel.yml
vi config/mixpanel.yml
rake spec:externals
Run rubocop and fix offences.
Copyright (c) 2009+ Keolo Keagy. See license for details.