
projios - PROJ as an iOS framework

Primary LanguageC

projios - PROJ as an iOS framework

Carthage Compatible License

Uses PROJ coordinate transformation software library; Open Source Geospatial Foundation; Version 7.1.0 - https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ


Add this repository to your projects Cartfile

github "atetlaw/projios"

and run carthage update


  • Include built proj.framework into xcode project and add header
import proj


Requires libsqlite3 (linked)

Proj requires proj.db at runtime. proj.db is the generated db file.

What I did is:

  • take the file add it to my main app project
  • then define the environment variable PROJ_LIB with the path to the dir containing the db. Added this to AppDelegate:
setenv("PROJ_LIB", Bundle.main.bundlePath, 1)

If you want to generate the db file yourself:

  • $ brew install autoconf automake libtool libtiff (if you don't have them installed like me)
  • cd to the main proj directory (where the proj submodule code resides)
  • run $ ./autogen.sh
  • run $ ./configure
  • Then cd to the data dir, where you can run make to generate the proj.db file.


Full proj documentation can be found at https://proj.org
