
A model of the WebAssembly language in Redex

Primary LanguageRacket

The canonical branch (canon) is unstable in terms of what features from which specification version is supported. To view the model of a specific version of the WebAssembly specification please check the releases. Additionally, here is a list of releases for each supported specification version:

WASM Redex Model

This is a model of the WebAssembly language syntax, semantics, and validation rules, written in PLT Redex. The model is based off of the 2017 PLDI paper by Haas et al.

The goal of this model is to provide a starting point for modeling extensions to the language. For example, for a research project we have built an extended type system for WebAssembly on top of this model. There are two straightforward ways to build language extensions using this model:

  1. The preferred way is to use Redex's define-extended-* forms to explicitly extend the basic WebAssembly specification. For example, using define-extended-language to extend the base WebAssembly syntax with new types or instructions, and then using define-extended-relation and define-extended-judgment when necessary, or creating new reduction relations and judgement forms.
  2. Create a fork of this repository, and change the language definition, reduction relation, and judgment forms as needed.


The syntactic representation used in the model is s-expression based. It contains a few more parentheses than are present in the original grammar (to simplify parsing). Other small differences include:

  • The removal of the . character between types and a number of terminal expressions (e.g., i32.add becomes (i32 add)).
  • The explicit enumeration of the sx non-terminal in binops and relops.
  • Optional terms are handled via enumeration or faked using lists (there's a hidden low-priority TODO to clean this up).

The WASM Redex syntax is defined in Syntax.rkt. A typeset version can be viewed below and uses similar terminology to the WebAssembly paper.

The WebAssembly language syntax


WebAssembly introduces several administrative instructions to define the semantics. Therefore, we extend the base WebAssembly syntax with these forms to create a run-time language, WASM-Admin, defined in Semantics/AdministrativeSyntax.rkt

The reduction relation is a small-step operational semantics inside an evaluation context. The evaluation context, L, keeps track of the list of instructions surrounding the current code block. Evaluation contexts can be thought of as being akin to a stack frame. There are four parameters: (s v* e*) (-> i) (s v* e*) with roughly equivalent meaning to the ones in the paper:

  • s: the store which keeps track of all instances (modules), as well as all function tables and memories.
  • v*: the list of local variables (referred to by an index).
  • e*: the list of instructions. Since values are expressions and the value stack is implicit in the instruction list, it is helpful to think of this as v* e* where v* is the value stack and e* is the instruction stack.
  • i: the index of the current instance in which execution is taking place.

The WASM Redex reduction semantics are defined in Semantics/Semantics.rkt.

The function -> takes an instance number as a natural number and produces a reduction-relation for reducing terms under the given instance number.


The type system is in the form of deduction rules on a context C, a sequence of instructions e*, and a function type tf. Since the context is not present in the base WebAssembly language, we define an extended language Wasm-Typing in Validation/TypingSyntax.rkt which includes the context. The typing rules for instructions are defined in Validation/InstructionTyping.rkt, which provides the judgment-form .

The typing rules for modules and module objects (tables, memories, globals, and functions) are defined in Validation/ModuleTyping.rkt, which provides the ⊢-module-func, ⊢-module-global, ⊢-module-table, ⊢-module-memory, and ⊢-module judgment-forms.

In Validation/Typechecking.rkt we provide an inference algorithm for finding a typing derivation over syntax. This algorithm is more complicated than the reference validation algorithm since it produces a derivation witness, and needs to synthesize the actual program stacks for instructions after unconditional branches and unreachable.

The typechecking algorithm is split between typechecking functions for each judgment-form.

  • typecheck-module produces derivations of ⊢-module for a given mod.
  • typecheck-table produces derivations of ⊢-module-table for a given context and tab.
  • memory-derivation produces derivations of ⊢-module-memory for a given context and mem.
  • typecheck-global produces derivations of ⊢-module-global for a given context and glob.
  • typecheck-func produces derivations of ⊢-module-func for a given context and func.
  • typecheck-ins produces derivations of for a given context, e*, and pre- and post-stacks.