
I made a simple reactjs and three js website which have a space background.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

3D Space background landing page

A simple portfolio website i made using ReactJS,threeJS and threejs-fiber.


  • Responsive Navbar
  • used grid system
  • Add many 3D component
  • Added some animations
  • Used threeJS
  • Used React JS
  • Fully Responsive

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/ath34-tech/Space-background-reactjs-and-threejs-landing-page.git

Go to the project directory

  cd "Space-background-reactjs-and-threejs-landing-page"

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm start

Now go to


Will provide soon!

🛠 Skills

Web Developement:ReactJS,Javascript, HTML,CSS,Django,nodeJS,ThreeJS

App Developement:React native

Software Developement:Python and C#

🚀 About Me

I'm a full stack developer. I can make web apps, mobile apps,backend,i can also do database stuff. I also do software developement using PyQt5 and PySide2. I also do game developement some time using unity and C#.

I want to freelancing,open source contribution and technical writting.

My medium profile:https://athtripathi.medium.com/