
strike list for my good friends to use

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is my implementation of a strike list system, for my good friends to use.


The client resides on /.

The client is not even close to resembling anything that might probably or possibly at some point later in time have some minor functionality. Disregard it.


The API is currently in version 0 (alpha), and resides on /apiv0. All resources are mounted onto this path.

When you post data to the API, it will either be through a specific URL that contains id's, or with a JSON object in the request body.

There are 3 types of resources;

  • Items - mounted onto /items
    • These are items that can be purchased
  • Lists - mounted onto /lists
    • These are collections of purchases
  • Users - mounted onto /users
    • These are users that can make purchases

Resources are created by POSTing to the resource path. E.g. POST /apiv0/users.

Reading, updating and deleting is done by sending the appropriate HTTP method to the resource path with a resource id. E.g. GET /apiv0/users/1.

Actions on resources can be performed by POSTing to the resource path with a resource id and the action. E.g. POST /apiv0/users/1/deactivate.

Some actions requires id's from other resources, in which case they are also supplied. E.g. POST /apiv0/users/1/buy/1/in/1.

Searching can be done by GETing the resource path with a filter. If no filter is supplied, the search will return all resources of that type. An example filter could be:

GET /apiv0/lists
    "open": true

.. which will return all open lists.

All timestamps are given in ISO8601.


Items are whatever you are selling to your good friends. They can be anything, really; apples, beers, kisses, etc. Items can only be updated and deleted, if they have not previously been bought. Once you are out of stock, the item can be deactivated, and it can no longer be bought. If you gain more stock, the item can be reactivated for more purchases.


    "itemId":     1,                         //INTEGER
    "name":      "Apple",                    //STRING
    "price":     "5.5",                      //FLOAT
    "active":     true,                      //BOOLEAN
    "createdAt": "2016-03-10T21:15:06.123Z", //STRING
    "updatedAt": "2016-03-10T21:15:06.123Z"  //STRING

When creating an item, a name and price must be supplied.



  • /items/:itemId/deactivate

This will set active to false, and the item can no longer be bought.


  • /items/:itemId/activate

This will set active to true, and the item can again be bought.


A list is collections of purchases, typically limited to a specific time interval. The intention is to allow many small purchases to show up as a single debit item, for simplicity. A list can never be deleted, it can only be closed, in which case it can be regarded as archived.


    "listId":     1,                         //INTEGER
    "open":       true,                      //BOOLEAN
    "createdAt": "2016-03-10T21:15:06.123Z", //STRING
    "updatedAt": "2016-03-10T21:15:06.123Z"  //STRING

When creating a list, no information can be supplied.



  • /lists/:listId/close

This will set open to false, and no more purchases can be made to the list.


Users are people you know. They like to buy your stuff, which is why you'd like to keep track of their credit balance. Users can be deleted at any time, in which case knowledge of their (potentially negative) balance is lost.


    "userId":     1,                         //INTEGER
    "name":      "Apple Jack",               //STRING
    "balance":   "50",                       //FLOAT
    "active":     true,                      //BOOLEAN
    "createdAt": "2016-03-10T21:15:06.123Z", //STRING
    "updatedAt": "2016-03-10T21:15:06.123Z"  //STRING

On creation you must supply a name.



  • /users/:userId/deactivate

This will set active to false, and the item can no longer be bought.


  • /users/:userId/activate

This will set active to true, and the item can again be bought.

Add balance

  • /users/:userId/addBalance

An amount must be supplied. This will determine how much is added to the users balance.

Buy item in list

  • /users/:userId/buy/:itemId/in/:listId

An amount must be supplied. This will determine how many of the specified item will be bought. Jack might want to buy many apples at a time. The balance sum will be subtracted from the users balance.

End of documentation. /qed

Notes for me


  • Combining purchases on two lists
    • This contains (some date logic too)
  • Changing the price of an item, even though it has been used
  • Some good way to see total user debit from a list
  • Minimum balance based on domain
  • Authentication based on domain and user? How much trust is necessary?
  • Authentication on user.addBalance and maybe more?
  • Some kind of ledger overview, maybe?

Setup environment

Starting the required PostgreSQL database in Docker can be done like this;

docker run -d \
    --name postgres-strike-list \
    -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password \
    -v /persistent/storage:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
    -p 5432:5432 \