
Bindings for React Apollo Hooks

Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT


Reason bindings for the official @apollo/react-hooks


yarn add reason-apollo-hooks reason-apollo @apollo/react-hooks

Follow the installation instructions of https://github.com/mhallin/graphql_ppx.

Then update your bsconfig.json

"bs-dependencies": [
+ "reason-apollo-hooks",
+ "reason-apollo"

Setting up

Add the provider in the top of the tree

/* Create an InMemoryCache */
let inMemoryCache = ApolloInMemoryCache.createInMemoryCache();

/* Create an HTTP Link */
let httpLink =
  ApolloLinks.createHttpLink(~uri="http://localhost:3010/graphql", ());

let client =
  ReasonApollo.createApolloClient(~link=httpLink, ~cache=inMemoryCache, ());

let app =
 <ReasonApolloHooks.ApolloProvider client>

Usage with reason-apollo

To use with reason-apollo's ReasonApollo.Provider already present in your project:

let client = ... // create Apollo client

  <ReasonApollo.Provider client>
    <ReasonApolloHooks.ApolloProvider client>
      <App />

Available hooks


module UserQueryConfig = [%graphql {|
  query UserQuery {
    currentUser {

module UserQuery = ReasonApolloHooks.Query.Make(UserQueryConfig);

let make = () => {
  /* Both variant and records available */
  let (simple, _full) = UserQuery.use();

    switch(simple) {
      | Loading => <p>{React.string("Loading...")}</p>
      | Data(data) =>
      | NoData
      | Error(_) => <p>{React.string("Get off my lawn!")}</p>

Using the full record for more advanced cases

let make = () => {
  /* Both variant and records available */
  let (_simple, full) = UserQuery.use(());

    switch(full) {
      | { loading: true }=> <p>{React.string("Loading...")}</p>
      | { data: Some(data) } =>
      | any other possibilities =>
      | { error: Some(_) } => <p>{React.string("Get off my lawn!")}</p>


module ScreamMutationConfig = [%graphql {|
  mutation ScreamMutation($screamLevel: Int!) {
    scream(level: $screamLevel) {

module ScreamMutation = ReasonApolloHooks.Mutation.Make(ScreamMutationConfig);

let make = () => {
  /* Both variant and records available */
  let ( screamMutation, _simple, _full ) = ScreamMutation.use();
  let scream = (_) => {
      ~variables=ScreamMutationConfig.make(~screamLevel=10, ())##variables,
      |> Js.Promise.then_(result => {
          switch(result) {
            | Data(data) => ...
            | Error(error) => ...
            | NoData => ...
      |> ignore

    <button onClick={scream}>
      {React.string("You kids get off my lawn!")}

Getting it running

npm install
npm start