
Web Scraper that scrapes mobile product data from Flipkart's search results

Primary LanguagePython

Flipkart Mobile Product Scraper

This is a Python script that scrapes mobile product data from Flipkart's search results and displays it in both CSV format and a PrettyTable.


  • Scrapes product name, price, offer percentage, and specifications from Flipkart.
  • Writes data to a CSV file for further analysis.
  • Displays the data in a well-organized PrettyTable for easy reading.

Tools and Technologies

  • Python 3.x
  • BeautifulSoup: A library for web scraping HTML and XML documents.
  • PrettyTable: A library for creating neat tables in the terminal.
  • argparse: A library for parsing command-line arguments.


Ensure you have Python 3.x installed along with the following libraries:

  • beautifulsoup4
  • prettytable

You can install the required libraries using pip:

pip install beautifulsoup4 
pip install prettytable 

How to Use

Run the script from the command line with a page number as an argument. The script will scrape the mobile products from the specified Flipkart page and generate a CSV file named "products.csv" in the current directory also displays the data in a well-organized PrettyTable in the terminal for easy reading.

python flipkart_scraper.py 1

The above command will scrape the first page of Flipkart's search results for mobile products.If you want Scrape the Second Page repace 1 with 2 and so on.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.