URL shortner

  • To run Docker image run following command docker run -p 8500:8100 atharva29/url-shortner:latest
  • If one wants to change port of docker, then use environment variable docker run -p 8500:8500 -d -e p=8500 atharva29/url-shortner:latest

URL shortner : Shortens the URL (by hashing & encoding) and stores the mapping of long URL & short URL in text file.

Create short URL using localhost:8500/create-short-url

  • Example:
    • Request curl -d '{ "long_url": "www.facebook.com" }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' localhost:8500/create-short-url
    • Response {"message":"short url created successfully","short_url":"http://localhost:8500/QiaaLgq2"}

Redirect to URL usinglcoalhost:8500/:shortUrl

  • pass shortUrl in params example
    • Request curl localhost:8500/QiaaLgq2
    • Response <a href="https://www.facebook.com">Found</a>.