
A game of Pacman on Android

Primary LanguageJava


A mobile version of the of Pacman game on Android

Authors: Kevin Lee, Jimmy Le

Running the game

  1. Load the project on Android Studio
  2. Connect your device to your computer using a usb cable
  3. Press "Run" (Shift + F10 on Windows)
  4. Choose the device you wish to run it on such as your phone or the Android Studio emulator
  5. The game should run on your device

Current progress

  • Title screen
  • Three buttons on the screen (New Game, High Scores, and Help)
  • New Game button takes you to a screen with the map layout and pacman
  • Help button leads to the help screen
  • You can move pacman around by swiping in the direction you wish to go
  • Pacman will eat the pellets

User Stories (Implementation Tasks/Goals):

  1. As a user, I can see the introduction screen when I open the app so that I can know it has sucessfully opened. (100pts)
  2. As a user, I can see a play button and a help button and a high score button so that I can click on them. (50pts)
  3. As a user, I can click on the help button so that I can know how to play. (50pts)
  4. As a user, I can click on the play button so that I can start the actual game. (50pts)
  5. As a user, I can see the game board so that I know the game is about to start. (150pts)
  6. As a user, I can see my character on the gameboard so that I know where I start. (50pts)
  7. As a user, I can move my character so that I see myself move across the game board. (250pts)
  • The character should animate. (50 pts)
  • The character should be able to move up down, left and right.(25 pts)
  • The character should move based on user input (swipe gestures). (75 pts)
  • The character stops moving when it reaches a wall. (100 pts)
  1. As a user, I can see the pellets on the board so I know where to move. (50pts)
  2. As a user, I can see my score to see how well I've played. (50pts)
  3. As a user, I can move my character to eat pellets so that I can get points. (150pts)
  • The pellet should dissapear when the character moves over it. (100 pts)
  • The score should increase when the pellets get eaten. (50 pts)
  1. As a user, I can pause the game so that I can continue later on. (50pts)
  2. As a user, I can unpause/resume the game so that I can continue where I left off. (50pts)
  3. As a user, I can see enemy ghosts on the board so that I know where they spawn. (50pts)
  4. As a user, I can see enemy ghosts move so that I know where NOT to move. (250pts)
  • The ghosts should animate. (50 pts)
  • The ghosts should move according to unique personalities/behaviors. (200 pts)
  1. As a user, I can keep track of my highest score so I can strive to beat it. (50pts)
  2. As a user, I can hear Pacman background music so I can get HYPED. (150pts)
  • The music shoud start when the user opens the app. (25 pts)
  • The music should stop when the app is not in focus. (50 pts)
  • The music should be shared across all screens so there is no overlap. (75 pts)
  1. As a user, I can see a mute button so that I have the ability to mute the music. (50pts)
  2. As a user, I can click on the mute button to mute the music. (100 pts)
  3. As a user, I can set different difficulties so that I can make it easier or harder for myself. (200pts)
  4. As a user, I can change the colors of the game so I can set things to my color preference. (100pts)

Project History

W16 | Kevin Lee, Jimmy Le | CS56 Conrad | 5PM Section