
This is a basic QR Code application. Using this application you can generate QR code for your text/links. Using this application you can read (decode) QR codes. It's built using Django REST Framework.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

QR Application

This is a basic QR Code application. Using this application you can generate QR code for your text/links. Using this application you can read (decode) QR codes.

🔗 Content

📋 Features

  • QR codes generated are universally accepted.
  • Generate QR codes for text and links.
  • Read/Decode QR codes.

🧰 Tech Stack

Backebd: Django, Django REST Framework (Python)

Frontend: HTML, CSS, Javascript

🛠 API Reference

Postman Endpoints : https://www.getpostman.com/collections/cd81994f26e4f66094be

ENV file

API Endpoints JSON file (for importing into thunderclient/postman) is available in the docs folder or click here

💻 Run Locally

Step#1 : Clone Project Repository

git clone https://github.com/atharvparkhe/qr-application.git && cd qr-application

Step#2 : Create Virtual Environment

  • If virtualenv is not istalled :
pip install virtualenv && virtualenv env
  • In Windows :
  • In Linux or MacOS :
source env/bin/activate

Step#3 : Install Dependencies

pip install --upgrade pip -r requirements.txt

Step#4 : Run Server

python manage.py runserver
  • Open the "Templates" folder and then open "mainPage.html"

  • Check the terminal if any error.

📄 Documentation

The docs folder contain all the project documentations and screenshots of the project.

🧑🏻‍💻 Demo


YouTube Link : https://youtu.be/XUz8AXPYfP8

🌄 Screen-Shots

Main Screen Generate QR Screen Decode QR Screen

🙋🏻‍♂️ Author

🤝 Connect with Atharva Parkhe

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