
rebuild of react portfolio

Primary LanguageSCSS

Information regarding this project repository


The final capstone project for the Front End Web Development Techdegree Program. Show off your skill and expertise in the tools and techniques you've learned in the Techdegree by building a professional portfolio to showcase your work.


  1. HTML5
  2. CSS3
  3. SASS
  4. Client side Javascript

Technologies and Techniques

  1. Chrome Dev Tools
  2. Editors
  3. Terminal
  4. git and github
  5. Mobile First Responsive Design
  6. Fluid width Responsive Design
  7. Dom manipulation
  8. CSS3 Animations
  9. Api's (such as google calendar)
  10. Auto Complete Search messages

Techdegree Project Description

In this project, you'll build an online portfolio to showcase the work you've created as part of this program and any projects you've built on your own. This is your chance to show the world (and potential employers) the work you've done. In fact, the portfolio site itself is a great way to show what you can do. Bring all of your talents with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript together to create a fun and interactive online portfolio.

You'll host the portfolio site on the web either using a traditional web hosting company or use free GitHub Pages hosting.

We aren't supplying any files for this project: what it looks like and how it works is up to you. You can use a framework like Twitter Bootstrap or Zurb Foundation, or simply build the HTML and CSS from scratch. The design is up to you, but see the Resources section for our courses on using frameworks and example portfolio sites you can use for inspiration.

NOTE: The Front End Web Development Techdegree is meant to train you in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and let you practice and show your mastery of these fundamental building blocks of the web. Because of that, please avoid using frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, Skeleton, and so on for this project. Even though you may end up using frameworks like these professionally, you still need to know and be able to implement designs with your own knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

In addition, please avoid submitting any projects that rely on a server-side technology like PHP or Ruby on Rails.